Chapter 10

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3rd POV:

  The exam's third phase required applicants to reach Trick Tower's base within 72 hours. But Y/n and her friends incurred a penalty were forced to wait for 50 hours.

All of them were minding their own business, trying to pass time in their own way. Killua is currently teaching Gon how to use his skateboard. Kurapika, Leorio, and Tonpa were all talking about. While Y/n was just watching them while playing with her strings.

Suddenly, a skateboard flew across the room, catching the attention of everyone in the room. Y/n looked at Tonpa and... his expression was priceless. He looked absolutely terrified since it almost hit him on the head. His face made the girl snort and laugh, in which Gon noticed.

Leorio scolded the two boys "Hey! What are you doing!?"

Gon rubbed the back of his head while saying "Oops! Sorry".... Totally not proud of himself for making the adorable (brunette, blonde, etc.) Laugh... Yup... Totally.....

But the future doctor continued "This room isn't big enough for skateboarding, knock it off!" In which Gon replied with a sad groan.

Soon all of them went to bed.

Mini time skip

Everyone was asleep except for a certain white-haired boy. He was just starting at the ceiling before looking at Y/n, who was sleeping between him and Gon. He continued to just space out as he gently played around with her hair, twirling it between his fingers and brushing through it. This action made the girl snuggled closer to him, making the assassin smile slightly before spacing off again.

Kurapika then slowly woke up and looked to see Killua still awake. He then asked, "Can't sleep?"

Even though he considered the white-haired boy to be one of his rivals, he still considered him as a friend.

Killua answered "Not really. Thing is, I can stay awake for two or three days at a time."

The Kurta Clan survivor then looked at the clock "Ten hours down, huh?"

The Zoldyck member commented "With no windows, it's hard to tell, but... It's probably morning." Which Kurapika agreed on.

Killua had an idea, slowly sitting up and gently placing Y/n back to her previous spot. He mischievously chuckles as he threw a pillow at Gon, in which Gon threw it back. Killua got surprised and stared at a smiling Gon. Soon, he realized that he was awake this whole time and threw the ball again.

Now Gon was fully awake and this was the start of a game of throwing pillows at each other for no reason. But also minding not to hit their precious kimono girl that was still sound asleep.

Leorio got annoyed and yelled, "Knock it off, you guys!"

The two just chuckled, by this time, Y/n was awake and slowly sat up. She gently rubbed her eyes while her body still swaying from drowsiness.

Killua asked Y/n, "Oh, did we wake you up?" In which she nodded.

He and Gon then apologized. The (h/c) haired girl just held two thumbs up, indicating that it was fine.

Leorio then turned to his side but only to be encountered with a foul scented foot from none other than...

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