Chapter 11

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(Haha, here is the next chapter! Sorry to keep ya'll waiting. I wrote this months ago and stopped half way, so my writing may or may not have changed.


3rd POV:

One by one, each of the 25 applicants who passed the third phase of the Hunter Exam exited Trick Tower, eager for a long-awaited breath of fresh air.

Mr. Lippo then announced" Congratulations on escaping Trick Tower, everyone. All that remains now are the Fourth Phase and the Final Phase."

The random ninja guy commented "only two more.."

Mr. Lippo continued as he pointed at an island not far from the Trick Tower,"The Fourth Phase will take place right over there on Zevil Island. Now, let's proceed."

He then snapped his fingers, a random guy came out with a box, causing some murmurs and whispers.

Mr. Lippo resumed, "To begin with I will need each of you to draw lots now."

Another series of doubting and curious thoughts we're heard from almost everyone.

The Examiner was amused and said "Hm. Who you hunt and who hunts you. In this box are exactly 25 numbered cards. Which means, that one of the numbered cards corresponding with your badge."

After that, Y/n started to space off as she saw a butterfly fly in front of her. 'Pretty...' She thought as she followed the butterfly for a bit, also making sure that she's still close to the group.

The (h/c) haired girl heard someone call her name, she looked to see Gon. She walked right in front of him, waiting for him to explain why he called him.

The dark green-haired boy then said, "You're next". In which the girl nodded and headed to the box, pulling out a card.

But before she can even step away, Mr. Lippo suddenly patted her on the head. She looked up at him but was a bit startled at the fact that he started pulling at her cheeks, mumbling " Hhmmm... Satotz is correct, you are adorable.."

The girl just looked at him funny, having her eyes look like dots with her head tilted. The examiner just chuckled and let the girl go, allowing the girl to go back to her group of friends.

After everyone else has received their cards, they then pulled the sticker to see their targets. As Y/n peeled off the sticker, she sees the number 198 on her card.

'I think that's one of the brothers...' The girl thought as she looked at them to see her target. She quickly places her badge between her leg and her leg warmers. Also pinning it to the fabric of the leg warmer to ensure that it stays in place. (Without anybody noticing, of course)

Mr. Lippo smirked "The number you see is your target"

After this announcement, everyone started to hide their badges instantly. Y/n started to get distracted again, spacing out and hearing bits and pieces of the announcements. She managed to mix them together and concluded that to make it through the exam, she needed three badges!

'I THINK that I'll be needing three badges... I managed to hear some and I think that my target's points are three points, and my badge, along with other people's badge is only one point! I'm so proud of myself for figuring that out!!'

Little did she know that her conclusion was all wrong and that she would probably feel bad later...

Mini Time Skip

They were all currently on a boat for the fourth phase of the exam. Y/n was sitting between Gon and Killua.

"What did you draw?" Gon whispered to the two.

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