Chapter 14

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I'm so sorry for the late update!! We lost our wifi for a few days so I couldn't see the episodes and update!!!

There will be an announcement for the participants of the Cover contest at the end of this chapter!!

3rd POV:

The four friends were currently looking at a computer to see where the albino assassin lives.

Kurapika then said "This country's open to tourists." As they all looked at the "X" mark.

"That's where Killua is?" Gon asked while holding the muzzled girl beside him as the said girl hummed in question as well.

It was quite interesting how they made up actually....


Gon tried his hardest trying to get Y/n's attention, but all the small girl did was turning her head away, arms crossed across her chest. This made the Green haired boy groan in devastation while two other men watch in amusement.

"C'mon Y/n!! In sorry for leaving you behinddd!! How can I make it up to? I'll do anything for you to forgive me!!!" Uttered the devastated boy.

This made the (h/c) haired girl look at him with squinted eyes, staring and thinking about what he can do to make it up to her.

'Maybe a hug?? Nah, she can do that anyway.... Food? Oh right, she doesn't eat... New clothes?? I-I think that's a bit too much.. Especially for her...

..hmmm.. Oh yes, maybe?...'

After a few awkward seconds of thinking, she finally decided on what he can do to make it up to her. She slowly uncrossed her arms, indicating that he CAN do something.

Gone uttered hopefully, "Oh!! What do you want me to do?! I'll do anything, I promise!!"

Then she did something which confused the three. She pointed at her forehead and both of her cheeks (no, not the lower ones, I'm talking about the upper ones). This made the three tilt their head in confusion. The girl mentally groaned and walked closer to Gon, placing her index finger in front of his lips. But then the blonde suddenly realizes what she meant, making him have a jealous look.

"I get it... She wants you to kiss her on the cheeks and forehead" Kurapika mumbled as he looked away....

"HAH/EH?!" Leorio and Gon said at the same time but with different expressions. Leorio had an angry and jealous expression while Gon was blushing like a tomato and grinning like an adorable idiot.

~Flashback ends~

So that's what happened! Now you might be wondering, did Gon did it?... OF COURSE, HE DID, he wouldn't pass up the chance to kiss his crush when she asked for it!!!

Kurapika then answered, "It'll take three days to reach by airship. When do you think we should leave?"

Gon exclaimed, "Today! Right now!!", Leorio agreed with Gon as Y/n hummed in excitement.

The blonde then answered "Got it! I'll order the tickets then"

The four friends then went out to the airship, hoping to see their missing albino friend as soon as they can. The whole trip on the airship consisted of the boys talking to each other as the only girl of the group sleeps on the lap of the eldest. Which earned some jealous stares might I add.

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