Chapter 6

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3rd pov:

  After a while of running, they finally made it back to the main group. Y/n and the other two can see some of the contestants panting and breathing heavily in exhaustion.

Kurapika said "looks like we made it in time." With relief  as they finally slowed down to a walk

They started looking around, trying to spot Leorio an Killua. While searching, Gon asked "But where's Leorio?" Soon, he and Y/n felt a chill and looked over to see Hisoka smiling. Hisoka just pointed at the left so we looked to see Leorio sitting and leaning on a tree. This made Y/n to let go of their (Gon and Kurapika) hands and run (cutely) to Leorio.

"There he is!" Gon said as he and kurapika followed Y/n.

"Man, that stings! How the hell did I get beat up so badly? My memory's so hazy, I cant remember anything.." Leorio said as Gon placed his suitcase beside him. But after what Leorio said, Y/n, Gon and Kurapika was consfused

Kurapika then whispered to Gon, "We probably shouldn't tell him what happened" which Gon agreed to.

Y/n then kneeled down on Leorio's right side which Got the three's attention. Y/n made her thumb's nail as pointy as she can and pricks her pointer finger which made it bleed. (All on your dominant hand) This confused and startled the three.

Kurapika scolded, "Y/n! Why did you do that?! You cut yourself for no reason!!"

But Y/n just ignored him and looked at Leorio with a look, as if she was asking for permission. Since Leorio was curious and he trusted Y/n so he nodded. Y/n then started writing the word 'REPAIR' with her blood on Leorio's forehead. This made the three panic a bit and was about to shout until Leorio's bruise on his cheek instantly healed. This amazed the three while Y/n just casually rubbed the blood off with the same handkercheif that she used on Leorio when he was sweating.

Gon then shouted "WOOOAAAHHH! THAT WAS AWESOME Y/N!! HOWD YOU DO THAT?! DO YOU HAVE POWERS OR SOMETHING? CAN YOU TEACH ME--" but was then silenced when Y/n stopped him with her pointer finger that used to bleed but not its completely healed. After Gon was silenced, she then put her pointer finger on top of her mouth-- or.. errmmm... muzzle. Like making a 'it's a secret' gesture.

Kurapika then said "that was really incredible Y/n.." as Y/n bowwed in thanks.

While Leorio just kept touching his cheek, like checking if its really healed "woah... thanks Y/n!! I feel much better!!" He said with a lot of appreciation.

"Gon, Y/n!!"  The three (Gon, Y/n and Kurapika) heard and looked to see Killua walking over to them.

"Killua!" Gon yelled happily whole Y/n hummed cheerfully while waving.

"I was starting to think you two werent gonna make it here. Or that you guys didnt make it at all" killua said as Y/n and Gon walked over to him. Y/n instantly held Killua's cheeks and slightly and gently pinched it 'soft.. soft..'. This made Killua blushed a lot but Y/n's hands let go of his cheeks because Gon pulled her hands away just to hold her hand. This made Killua both disappointed and confused.

Gon then said "We just followed the trail of Leorio's Cologne!".

This shocked Killua and asked "You tracked his scent? That's how?"

But Gon continued "Oh! Not just me, Y/n also smelled him!" Which made Killua looked at the girl beside them who just nodded.

"Man, Y/n! Gon! You two really are weird, arent ya?" Said Killua as he stared at the two like they're aliens.

Your Pov:

  We then hear mr. Satotz say "Excellent work, everyone! The second phase will take place here, in the Visca Forest Park. So, I shall now take my leave. I wish you all the very best of luck." After he finished, he started to walk away from the group

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