Chapter 9

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3rd POV:

  Y/n looked across to see a hooded man, but what stood out was the chains around his feet, wrists and neck. The girl then hear Kurapika shouting, "Y/n! It's better if you can beat them quickly so we can save time!"

She looked at them and responded with a nod.

Killua then commented "Yeah! It's getting borinnnggg!"

The girl in the kimono looked at the opponent's side to see the other prisoners were starting to get nervous as her opponent started breathing heavily.

Leorio then mumbled, "wait a minute.. something's wrong.."

While Gon quietly replied "I know right! They started getting nervous all of a sudden!"

The blonde said, "Well whatever it is, let's just hope our Y/n can defeat them"

As the chains finally dropped to the ground, the figure instantly started bolting to the arena, startling everyone. The hooded man then stopped and took of his hood, revealing a grown man with grayish-blue skin and sharp teeth. He was drooling, bloodshot eyes that are wide and dilated.

(Ya know, the guy that tanjiro and nezuko first encountered. The one that the siblings tried to kill when they were still new to all the Demon Slaying stuff. Yeah, that one)

Soon, Tonpa, Leorio and Kurapika instantly knew who he is.

Kurapika started screaming "Y/n!! Be careful!!! That THING is dangerous!!!!"

The two younger boys looked at the older ones with curiosity and confusion. Killua asked "Why? Is he well known or something?"

Tonpa looked at the two with shock and asked "You're kidding, right? You've never heard of Azazel the Maneater? The one who ate every one of his victims?! THAT GUY'S A COMPLETE CANNIBAL"

Gon tilted his head, "Cannibal?"

Kurapika answered, "A person who eats other human flesh "

This made the boy sweatdrop. Azazel then started sniffing the air and looked at Y/n up and down with.. HUNGER.

Azazel then spoke "It's been a while since I've had FRESH human flesh... but It's been DECADES since I've last tasted YOUR people's flesh.. I thought you were extinct!.. Maybe not~~ Oh how I miss the feeling of blood running through my fingers as I bite into the smooth skin of their flesh! They had the best taste that I've ever had in my entire life!!~"

This made Y/n's eyes wide and dilated as she realizes what he was talking about.

The cannibal's eyes widened more as his nails and senses sharpened, continuing, "THANK YOU FOR THE MEA--" but in the blink of the eye, She was no longer there.

No presence, no shadow, no aura and no where to be seen. This made everyone go silent and nervous as they searched the whole room to find her, everyone gave another blink and in an instant....

Everything seemed to turn into slow motion.. With the girl's foot already on the cannibal's head, already half way of decapitating it from his neck and body. Another blink.... and just like a snap of a finger, it was over. A headless body, the neck was CLEANLY cut. Also, a girl standing beside it, with the head no where to be seen. Only a trail of a few drops of blood on the arena's floor and more smeared blood on the wall, like something was thrown at it.

Everyone was in shock. How can a little girl, defeat a full grown cannibal in just 2 seconds? How can someone look so innocent, yet be so dangerous? How can their sweet little Y/n, be so capable of murdering someone in front of their eyes?..... but the question that really circled around the 4 (Killua, Gon, Leorio and Kurapika)...

What did he mean by "your people" and that you're supposed to be "Extinct"?

Y/n soon looked back at them with no malice, no bloodlust, no hatred or any anger. Just pure innocence and curiosity. This snapped the rest out of their train of thoughts and Y/n's team earned another point. The girl happily skipped to her group as the 4 gave her head pats and words of cheering and satisfaction.

Another bridge popped out, the 6 heard the speaker with Sir Lippo saying, "Please cross the bridge. On the other side, you'll find a small room. That's where you'll be spending the 50 hours you gambled away"

Killua commented "Well, c'mon!" Holding Y/n's hand. She and Gon nodded in agreement as Gon held the girl's other hand.

We entered the small room, there was a bookshelf, a couple of seats, a coffee table, a fridge, a cabinet with a lamp and a TV.

Leorio grumbled as he sat on one of the seats "Oh, come on, give me a break. Can't believe we've got to sit around here for 50 hours."

As Gon, Killua and Kurapika talked more, Y/n took off her haori and geta(?), placing it beside the seats.

She then hear Killua said "Oh, and Y/n can do it too?" Making her look at them with confusion.

Killua continued "You know, the hand thing" he demonstrated, making his nails sharp. I copied him and also turned my nails sharp. The three (Kurapika, Tonpa and Leorio) lookes shocked and amazed.

As the subject disappeared, Y/n decided to sit with Kurapika. As she yawned, she felt a tap on the shoulder. She looked at Kurapika, he then gestured his lap, patting it.

Saying "You can sleep on my lap if you want, I don't mind", with a bit of blush on his face.

The girl gave him a closed eyed smile and obliged, laying her head on his lap, facing his torso. Kurapika looked at the girl and smiled softly as his cheeks burned even more, having a loving gaze. As the girl slowly fell asleep, the blonde gently caressed her soft warm cheeks, while staring at her with pure adoration. Then he started to pet her on the head, making the petite girl snuggle closer to the boy.

But little did they know the several pairs of eyes that were looking at the blonde with jealousy. But not hatred as they could never hate their friend.

Kurapika then noticed the three other males looking at him. He smirked slightly and gave them a lookn, indicating a challenge like "May the best man wins". The others replied with a smile and a confident nod.

They were truly not gonna give her up.

Word count:1072

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