Chapter 5

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I decided to try a different way of writing this fanfic. I'll try to put more spaces between a couple of sentences or something and see if that looks nicer.

3rd pov:

  The 369 applicants who made it through the underground tunnel find themselves in an unexplored land teeming with stranger creatures, known as the Milsy Wetlands.

  As the applicants continued to follow Mr. Satotz, he then said "now everyone, please make sure to follow close behind me.". No one replied as they were too busy running and following him, trying not to lose sight of him.

Your Pov:

  It has been a couple of minutes or so since we've started to run again. This part is a bit harder than the tunnel but it still wasnt that challenging. I am currently still playing with my strings, bending them in different ways and stuff.

'I wonder what the next phase will be... I hope its more exciting other than just running.. and my socks are getting wet but I guess that's what you would expect in a swamp..' I thought with a cup of boredom and spoon full of disappointment.

I then hear kurapika say, "The fog is getting even thicker as we go."

I noticed a group of men looked at the clown guy in front of them. I decided to watch and observe from far away to save myself from getting more bored.

"Guys, here's our chance.." the middle guy whispered to the other men beside him. The others looked at him, confused but curious as to what he was gonna say.

The middle guy continued, "I say we should take advantage of the fog and get rid of him" as he looked at clown guy. While the others hummed in agreement as they also look at the clown.

'Hmm... I guess they dont know that the clown man use nen.... they will most likely fail...' I thought while watching them with an emotionless face. Keeping my dull (e/y) eyes on them like a hawk.

Killua seems to notice and said "Y/n, Gon.." which Gon replied with a "Yeah?" And I replied with a hum.

"Let's try to move up to the front", as killua said that, Gon agreed and said "The last thing we want to do is lose sight of the Examiner right now". While I made a hesitant nod and hum.

'I wanted to see what would happen... its been a while since I have last seen an exciting fight... but friends are much more important!! And I also want to pass this exam!!!' I thought as my disappointed face turned into a protective one, eyes glowing with determination.

But Killua then explained "I just want to put a little more distance between Hisoka and us. Staying too close is dangerous.... I can smell it..". In which I got confused

'Hisoka? Is that the clown's name?? Hmmmm.. sadly, I cant really smell auras and nen. I can only see and feel them very clearly Which is quite confusing since I can sometimes smell emotions...' I thought in confusion.

Gon then said "smell huh?" As he smelled the air and hummed in confusion. "I dont think he smells." In which I just chuckled slightly and thought 'so cute! Heheh..'

Looks like Killua and Gon heard my chuckle and looked at me in surprise while having pink hues on their cheeks. Gon said "woah! You chuckled!! SO CUTE!" As he said that, I blushed and was also a bit startled.

Killua then asked "wait! So you're not completely mute? Can you make hums and grunts or something?" In which I nodded twice.

Gon chimed in saying, "yeah! I've even heard Y/n growling!! And let me tell you.. she was quite scary and intimidating!!" As he sweatdropped.

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