Chapter 8 part 2

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3rd POV:

"I said it was an honest mistake.." Tonpa said in irritation.

Leorio got even more mad and screamed "How in the hell do you press the wrong damn button, HUH?!" The shouting hurts Y/n because her and Leorio were standing right next to each other. She speed walks behind Killua and grabbed his hand as she whimpered, nuzzling her head on the back of his neck.

Gon noticed tried to calm him down and said "It doesnt matter. Its okay. The door's open now"

Leorio shouted back "It does matter!! He pressed the wrong button--" but was cut off by Kurapika, saying "Stop shouting.. You're hurting Y/n again"

After he said that, Leorio stopped and looked at Y/n's pained expression. He turned to her and said "Sorry about that Y/n... I forgot...." as he held out a hand to pat her head. This made her feel better and nodded, giving a closed eyed smile through her muzzle.

They then moved on to the next room. Gon read "Which way do you want to go? O for right, X for left"

As the six looked each of the way, majority had wanted to go through the right path.

Leorio got mad and said loudly (but not too loud since he didnt want to hurt you~ UwU) "Hey! Why would you wanna go right? You always go left! What's wrong with you?"

Kurapika agreed saying, "That's true. As research has shown, people who are lost or find themselves at a crossroads tend to choose to go to the left much more frequesntly than the right"

Killua then said "You know, I think I've heard of thay before." He then turned to the kimono girl and asked "What about you Y/n? What did you picked?"

She replied by pointing to the right path. Killua then turned to Leorio and said "See? Even the expert traveller knows that the right path is the correct one, let's go Y/n" as he held her hand tightly yet gently, he started walking to the next room with Kurapika.

Leorio grumbled more but decided to just go with the flow. They arrived to the next room that looks like a simple arena.

Y/n saw people across the room and lightly pulled on Killua's hand to catch his attention. When she got his attention, she pointed at the cloacked group. Killua hummed and said "See that? Over there?", getting the other's attention as they also looked across.

One of them said "The applicants are here. Unlock my handcuffs." After saying that, his handcuffs unlocked and fell to the floor. "Here we go.." he said as he took of his cloak to reveal a man with scars on his head. He said "There.. now lets get down yo business..."

Leorio gulped as they stared at the big man. They then heard Lippo through the speaker, saying "Beloved Lady and Gentlemen, let me explain. You've probably already noticed that some of the prisoners or the Trick Tower are standing before you.

Not just prisoners of course, The Hunter Exam Committee has also officially hired them on as examiners. In this phase, you'll be fighting against all six of them. The fights will be one-on-one with each persin fighting only once.

Use any style you like. There will be no draws. To be declared the victor, your opponent must admit defeat."

After Lippo explained the challenge, the man that took his cloak off said "You can decide which of you will be the firsy contender, and this is majority rule, which means you have to secure 4 wins in order to pass. The rules are simple."

Leorio grumbled said "Getting real tired of this.."

While Killua just shrugged, unbothered, saying "meh, seems prettu straightforward to me."

Lippo continued explaining "For every hour the prisoners keep you occupied here, their sentences will be reduced by one year. In other words, their goal in this phase is to literally buy time."

Bendot (the man who took of his cloaked and thr first to have his cuffs off) said "okay, Im fighting whoever's first. Now who's it gonna be?"

Killua then turned to face the others (except Tonpa cuz.. who likes Tonpa anyways?) Saying "Now what? He said to fight however we want, so Im guessing that pretty much means anything goes. "

"Everybody, be careful. No telling what they'll try to pull." Leorio said warily

Kurapika commented "Without knowing what's up their sleeves, there's far too much at stake... Given that, I'll--"

As the blonde was about to finish, Tonpa interrupted, saying "No, I'll go!"

Everyone was surprised to see him take the first challenge. But something was telling Y/n that this isnt going to go as well as she and the others wanted to.

"I'll be the guinea pig; see if I can figure out what they're up to. Consider it an apology for earlier." Tonpa continued.

Leorio asked in disbelief "hold on, you serious?"

The brunetter answered, "sure. You guys dont trust me yet, and I know I've given you plenty of reasons not to. If the score ends up being two by two, who do you want going in there to break the tie? Cause it ain't me!"

After a lot of thought in to it, it was settled and all agreed to have Tonpa go first. Even though the (h/c) girl still having doubts.

Two bridged then appeared and connected the opposite areas to the small arena. Tonpa and Bendot started making their way to the center but by the time they were in the middle, Bendot chose to have a death match with Tonpa.

'Oh no.... Big blue man is probably gonna surrender!!!' Y/n thought as she sweatdropped. But she just decided to just rest as the others watch the match...
And it went exactly as she expected, with Tonpa giving up. When the brunette came back to the group, Leorio got REAL MAD. After a lot of talking and explaining, it was the next round.

Everything went by in a blur. With Sedokan losing to Gon in a candle burning contest. Kurapika then competed with an ex-member of the Phantom Troupe named Majitani, with the blonde being almost taken control of his own bloodlust. But he soon managed to control it and just left him on the arena even if his battle wasnt finished yet.

But during Kurapika's battle, Leorio and Leroute battle was gambling. Betting on TIME instead of money, while betting, Leorio made Majitani surrender by threatening to push him off the ege. And in the end... Leorio lost 50 hours of their precious time.

Then it was Killua's turn.... and his battle was probably the fastest so far. With just a single swing of his hand, the heart of his opponent is in his palms.

This all happened while Y/n was "napping". When you look at it from the outside, it looked like she was completely vulnerable to any danger.... but really, she was just half asleep, listening while the others battle.

And now... its her turn. Killua walked to her side, as he was about to touch her arm to wake her up, she immediately stood up and opened her eyes, startling the boy.

The albino then said "Y-your up..." as he sweatdropped from the sudden movement.

Y/n nodded in response as she looked at the other side to see......

Cliffhanger UwU

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