chapter 3

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3rd pove:

  With the help of the kiriko navigator Y/n and her new friends arrive at Zaban City. The location of this year's hunter exam. As the 4 walked, with Gon, Y/n and kurapika holding hands, following the navigator.

The navigator then started talking, saying "A navigator's main job is to identify worthy applicants for the hunter exam. We're also responsible for guiding them to the Exam Site.. you see, that's because its almost impossible to find the location, without a navigator. "

Your Pov:

  'Wow, this place hasnt changed at all since the last time I was here..' I thought but I then felt Gon let go of my hand. I looked at him to see that he was just checking the stalls. I just kept walking since I know that he will catch up.

I moved a bit closer to Kurapika to avoid bumping into peope while holding his hand tighter. It seems that Kurapika noticed since he let go of my hand and put his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer in the process. I looked up at Kurapika to see that his cheeks are a bit pink but I just shrugged it off and gave him a closed eyed smile through my muzzle. Kurapika looked a bit startled which I dont know why but his cheeks turned more red. 'His cheeks are turning pink to red! Is he ok?! Is he sick again?' .

Before I could question, Leorio then said " y'know, Zaban City is one shady place." Which I nodded while humming.

Kurapika said " A city that's as prosperous as this one is bound to attrack its share of unsavory characters."

While I thought 'Th-those are some deep words!.. heheheh...kinda hard to understand' . I looked at Gon to see that he's impressed and amazed at Zaban. I guess he hasnt been in a city before... I just kept watch at him while he goes from stall to stall.

I heard Leorio shouted "What do you think you're doing Gon?! Lets go!!"

Which Gon replied with a "Right!" then ran to us. Since the area isnt crowded anymore, I looked up at Kurapika and patted his arm that's around my shoulders. He gets the idea and lets go, holding my hand instead. I then look a Gon and hold his hand before continuing to walk.

  We then stopped in front of two buildings, the navigator said "here we are, Im pretty sure that's the building" pointing at the building in front of HIM which was the small building. But I guess the others thought it was the huge one since they stared at the huge one in awe. I let go of the two boys and speed walked to the navigator in front of the small building while the 3 boys walked closer to the huge one.

The navigator then shouted " Hey guys! Over here!!", catching their attention then pointing at the one in front of us. Saying " This is it".

They all looked at the restaurant before slowly walking over to us with Leorio saying " C'mon, you're messing with us, right? This looks just like a normal restaurant. You're telling me that hunter applicants from all over the globe, come to this old dibe to take the exam?!".

The Navigator just replied calmly "That's exactly right!", which confuses the three even more.

The navigator continued "the Hunter Exam attracts millions of applicants every year and no one would expect the exam to be held here, right?".

"Good point.." said Leorio, I was now getting bored and tugged on the navigator's sleeve. He looked at me and nodded before all of us headed inside.

  As we got inside, I looked around while they made a conversation. We started heading towards the back room with only 3 sits, I decided to sit on the table. Which was soon scolded a bit by Kurapika "Y/n! That's bad manners.." but I just ignored and swing my legs back and forth.

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