Chapter 7: Twitter Chats

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Kendall's POV

OMG Kim.

I was thinking of letting the fans know. Wait, wait wait. Did I say let them know? Oh no. Who am I? The Teaser. Well. I'm gonna tease them. To the Twitter!

@HeffronDrive: When you meet lost love in a coffee shop. ^.^
                @jamesmaslow @TheCarlosPena @1LoganHenderson  :) :) 

@TheCarlosPena: @HeffronDrive Initials, Schmidt! ;) 

@HeffonDrive: @TheCarlosPena lol. K.E.H

@1LoganHenderson: @HeffronDrive WOO HOO! ;)

@jamesmaslow: What's the Next Step, K-Dawg?

@HeffronDrive: I have No Idea. HELP!!

@AlexaVega: @HeffronDrive Wow really?!

@HeffronDrive: @AlexaVega YESS!! :D

@1LoganHenderson: You still got it, bro? :P

@jamesmalsow: Shut up, Loges. -,-

@1LoganHenderson: @jamesmalsow -________-
                                @HeffronDrive Go for it man.

@HeffronDrive: I'm not gonna miss it, dorks. :3

@TheCarlosPena: Where tho, bro?

@HeffronDrive: Starbucks. LOL

@jamesmalsow: Match made in coffee heaven. haha! xD

@1LoganHenderson: You're just jealous, Maslow. HA HA

@jamesmalsow: @1LoagnHenderson -,-

@HeffronDrive: @jamesmaslow @1LoganHenderson @TheCarlosPena you're supposed to be helping me? =.=

@jamesmaslow: Call. Now

@TheCarlosPena: Call.

@1LoganHenderson: Umm..Call?

Haha - okay wow.

@HeffronDrive: In turns. Idiot. :P 

- An Hour Later -

'Same responces from all.' I thought as I let out a sigh. Okay then.

@HeffronDrive: You are the BEST!! :D
                        @1LoganHenderson @jamemaslow @TheCarlosPena :)

@TheCarlosPena: I know, bro. i know.

@jamesmalsow: Well..when you talk to the best. ;)

@1LoganHenderson: What can I say? I'm good. ;)  

Well if they aren't idiot, I don't know what they are.


So hiya how's it been? ;)
Sorry for this super lame chapter, and sorry it's just a filler one. Next chapter begins the real story. Sorry for not updating in so long, but you know my exams and test are going on, and I'm so so sorry. Next update will probably be next weekend.

Till then,
- Kisa xx :)

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