Chapter 25: Planning The Duet

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Five chapters left! let the count down begin! 


Kim's POV

Later that day, I insisted that Kendall took me back home because, one, Fluffy would've been starving, two, I have to change out of my clothes, though they smell so good I could wear them forever - and I am so covered in sweat from the fever.

"Baby, can I keep this shirt?" I asked him while he walked me to the door, smiling.
He gave me a playful look. "Sure." He smiled. I grinned up at him and got on my tippy-toes, and pressed my lips to his. He grabbed my waist, deepening the kiss but I backed away. "Hold it, tiger." I winked and kissed his cheek.

I went inside and ran to the couch and cat that I loved so much. Not saying I love them more than Kendall. Nope.

The snow-white cat came purring over to me and curled up around my legs. She had to get up or I would have stomped on her. What? It tickles to have a cat sitting on your feet. Experiments are harmless if you wanna try. Just don't kill the cat or I'll kill you.

"Fluffy?" She looked up at the sound of her name and placed her front paws on my knees. I bent down and picked her up and kissed her furry head, running my fingers through her thick coat as I walked to the couch and left her on that and told her to watch TV if she wanted to.

I am so weird.

I took a long hot bath and dried my hair; pulling it in a pony-tail and picking up the music sheets I had left next to the television a week or two ago. I strummed my guitar and tried out the first verse...

Nope. Needs more drums.

"Fluff?" I called across the room where she sat playing with a stuff toy on the floor. "Come here." I said, indicating it with my fingers as well, in case she didn't understand. She jumped right on the guitar. "Hey, hey, hey!" I exclaimed, removing the sheets from beneath her, She looked up at me again. "What do you think?" I asked. She purred.

"Is that a yes?" Another purr. "I'll take that as a yes." I said happily. She dragged her paw, unexpectedly, across the strings. E,B,D,A,E?

"Nice on!" I smiled. "Lemme try that." I shifted her beside me where she snuggled her head in my thigh. "Stop it, girl. Please!" I giggled, strumming again, trying out the lyrics again....Better.

But drums are a must. I smiled at the white angel and opened Twitter and checked my notifications. All of them were about some photo with the hash tag 'KimDall'.

I opened one of the tweets and my jaw dropped at finding out what picture it was...and from when.

It was Ken and me from the park the other night, and yes, it was the 'Midnight Kiss' thing. I scrolled lower to find some tweets to Kendall begging him to ask me out already. I laughed and began to tweet.

KimHadley: 'Is it to early to have another boyfriend already? ;)'

And BOOM! go my notifications. I roamed around my timeline to a literal 'NO', 'Date Kendall.'. 'Not at all.' or 'Is #KimDall finally happening?' everywhere. I laughed again and opened another one.

KimHadley: 'Any guesses? ;)
                        The first 15 to get it right shall get a follow!! :D :D
                        If I already follow you, then DMs!!'

'Well that was quick' I think. In less than ten minutes, my timeline read 'KENDALL SCHMIDT' or '@HeffronDrive'. All around. I quickly followed a bunch of Hadlers and posted another tweet.

KimHadley: 'Should @HeffronDrive and I sing a duet? :)'

These people make me laugh really hard sometimes. '@Hadler4eva' asked if I was just saying that. This girl makes me wanna hug her more than half the time.

Yes, Kendall and I are together :) <3
We are also working on a duet! Released late January. Anyone excited? ;)
#Duet #Kimdall' 

- Hours Later - 

I think I've sent the fandom in a frenzy. Oh, and the song is almost ready. I should give it to Boo-Bear to fine-tune it a bit. Yes, I said 'Boo-Bear'. Don't make fun of me.

"Fluff-y!" I called. The cat came trotting from her room with a toy mouse's tail giving her a blue beard. I smiled as I scooped her up and took a selfie.

KimHadley: 'Guess who's been helping with the song guys! xD
#Duet #FluffyGotAGoatee Lol.'


If anyone is counting, sharpen up your knives and guns. ;)

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