Chapter 23: Beach Blunders

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We're counting one from the last chapter. :P


"Ice-cream anyone?" Logan asked.

"Loges." I said. "It's winter." I rolled my eyes.

"Yet we're at a beach." He said, waving his hand and indicating the surf and the tides.

"Wasn't my idea." I told him. The next thing I knew, I was being lifted into the air, a minute later, I couldn't breathe. Water. All around. I couldn't see properly, it was pressing on my ears, blocking my lungs and water logging my brain - next second, my head bobbed over the surface, I gulped the, oh so craved, air and pushed my hair back.

Kendall stood two feet away, looking worried. Probably at my expression. I could kill him right now. 

Kendall's POV 

Shit. Kim came up yo the surface, coughing hysterically. I was careful! I didn't know it was gonna end up like this. Would you help her? Right. Sorry.

I went over to her and grabbed her arms and helped her up. Still coughing, she rested her cheek against my chest. Breathing heavily. I rubbed her back to calm her down. She relaxed, and then suddenly hit my chest with her fist. Ow.

"I hate you!" Wha-?!

"Why?" I whined.

"You threw me in!" She shouted.

"I was just having some fun!" I protested.

"What kind of fun is almost drowning me?!"

"Come on. You were only three feet under."

"I don't swim well! I could've died!"

"But you didn't!"

"But I could!"

"I love you!" I told her.

"I love you too!" She said in the same firm tone and threw her arm around my neck. I smiled against her shoulder as a wave came crashing and knocked us down. We floated back up, spitting salt out.

I put my arms around her back and legs and picked her up and carried her out of the water before anything else happened. I got a towel and wrapped it around her. She was shivering and clutching her heart. I put my arms around her to keep her warmer. I am a total ass.

Great. Now she was wheezing slightly. "I am so sorry, Kim." I whispered to her. She shook her head and we sat down under one of those umbrella covered seats. I took her hand. "Are you okay?" I asked as I helped her into a seat. "Do you need something?"

"Pizza." She mumbled. I smiled and tucked her air behind her ear. She smiled back, weakly. I just hope she doesn't catch a cold. After a smoothie and a few laughs, we headed back to the sand and watched James, Logan, Mac and Halston surf. Carlos and Alexa were next to us. Kim leaned against Lex's chair and put her shades on. I think she fell asleep.

Picture This? Baha. Sure.This beach blunder better not make my baby sick.


Sorry. Next one is way longer. :)

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