Chapter 8: Friendly Dates

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Kendall’s POV

It’s been two weeks since I got Kim that cat. She’s totally in love with it. She posts so many selfies with her on Instagram. They are so adorable. It’s a wonder how I even found her there.

Oh, her songs? A. M. A. Z. I. N. G.

She is so good at this. Maybe we could work on a duet? Kendall Schmidt feat. Kim Hadley? Sounds good.

But…I can’t just sick with being friends. I want more than that. I want her to be mine again. I mean, I never broke her heart, I never let her down, how hard can it be to just ask her out again? Really? Just like that? Well…I’ll umm, invite her for a dinner date. Just the two of us. Hmm.

I ran a hand through my unshaven face, and grabbed my phone.

“Hey!” Her voice came through the receiver.

“Hey Kim!”

“What’s up?”

“Nothing much… I just- um, I was er, wondering that, uh – w-would you like to join me for dinner some time?” I asked, closing my eyes, and grabbed some of my hair, praying to God that she’ll say yes.

“I- I would. But er, when?”


Oh, o-okay. Who’s gonna be there?”

“Just the two of us.”

“J-just the two of us?” She repeated.

“Y-yeah. It’s just a friendly dinner date between two friends.” Great going, Kendall.

“Umm…sure. C-can you pick me up, though? I don’t know where your house is.”


“Kay, well. See you!”

“See ya. Take care.”

“You too.”

Well. That went well. No, it didn’t. What do you mean? One, she was stuttering. So? She was hesitating to go with you!  Why would she? Who the hell feels comfortable going out with their ex? Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez?

Kim’s POV

Oh. My. God.

He asked me out! No he didn’t. It’s just a friendly dinner date. Screw you, dream killer. Ha ha.

What to wear? What to wear?

A pair of jeans and a top? I’m not trying to impress him or anything, am I? Aren’t you? Shut the hell up, moron. Language. It’s you!


In the end, I decided to a wear plain white skinny jeans and a loose purple half-sleeved top. Enough, right? Yep. I brushed my hair back and put on a little mascara and lip gloss.

Not too long after I was done, there was a bell. He’s here! Calm down. Deep breaths. Deep breaths.

I got a hold on myself and put a smile on my face and opened the door.

“Well hello, there, pretty lady.” He grinned.

I blushed and giggled. He’s so cute, with the white shirt and the blue jeans and the scruff. Wow. How can he look so perfect with so little effort? Just wow.

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