Chapter 17: History Repeats Itself

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The fun begins! ;)


Kendall’s POV

I don’t know this feeling. I’ve never felt so good before. It feels so damn wrong, but then there is this part of my brain that says ‘Do it!’, and that feels good. She pushed me back on the couch, making me moan softly, not breaking the kiss, she got on top of me. Without a missing a beat, I kissed back, because if history is repeating itself, this isn’t gonna last long.

But quite honestly, it all feels like a dream.

I kissed back harder, making her groan, and sure enough seconds later, she pulled away, panting, her eyes wide open. No, this isn’t going to end like this. No. I’m not going to let it end like that all over again. I pulled her back down and flipped us over, she was beneath me now. Once or, twice, she tried to push me away, but I had a strong grip on her, and she failed, and then she regained her senses and managed to pull away.


“I -I’m sorry. That shouldn’t have happened.” She gasped. I sat up, she was staring at me with horrified eyes. Am I really that bad at it? “What’s wrong?”

“I’m sorry.” She whispered. What the hell is wrong with you, woman? It was you who did it first, not me. “Kim, please. Just listen to me, okay?” I grabbed her upper arms. “Please.” She reluctantly nodded.

“Kim, you like me, I like you, there’s nothing wrong with us being together Mom and dad already love you, your mom literally loved me, and you’re alone. You need someone. Someone to be with you, someone to take care of you, someone to love you. I can be that, and you have no idea how many fans have already asked me to date you.”

“R-really?” She asked.

“Is this because of fan hate?” I asked in disbelief. Kim Hadley, afraid of fan hate? If that was the case I would’ve asked you to check her history again. You don’t know what she’s been through, and she is the strongest woman I know. Except my mom.

“N- no.” She shook her head.

“Look,” I said, sliding my legs off the couch. “I love you, Kim. I never stopped loving you. All those years we were apart, you were the only girl on my mind. Even when I was with those other girls, they were nothing on you.” I said, looking into her dark eyes. “You mean everything to me, and I can’t live without you, Kim.” I paused, and watched her. Her eyes shining, she was biting her lip. “Kim? Look into my eyes and tell me you don’t love me back.”

She looked up again, with those big brown, shocked, eyes. She looked straight into my green ones, still biting her lip. “I- I do love you, Kendall.”

Kim’s POV

I cannot believe I just said that. How did I let that slip? I want the earth to burst open and take me down with it. History cannot be repeated.

“Y-you do?” He whispered. I nodded. He took my hand and laced our fingers together. “Then what’s wrong?” He whispered softly.

“Kendall,” Even his name sounded tempting now. “We can’t let it happen again.”


“I can’t lose you again!” I cried.

“You won’t. You won’t Kim.” He said, moving closer and taking my face in his hands and kissing my tears away. “Promise me.” I whispered into his chest. He looked at me. “I promise, Kim.” He said and left a soft kiss on my lips. I finally stood up, he did too. I took a step forwards and hugged him, burying my face in his neck. “We’ll take it slow if you want.” He mumbled, one arm around my waist, and the other one holding my head.

I nodded quietly. “I love you so much Kendall.”

“I love you more, Kim.”

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