Chapter 3: Unrecognizable

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I couldn't think of another title. Read on! 


Kim’s POV

I turned around and saw a tall dude with brown-ish blond hair staring at me. A weird noise escaped my mouth. Who is he? He looks like someone I know. But who? And how does he know me?

He slowly walked over. I put my head to one side, considering him; taking in all his features. From his spiky hair, to his brilliant green eyes. To his straight nose, to his lips, down to his scruffy chin. His tall frame, ending with a pair of grey Vans.

I looked back into his eyes. Green. Dark green, his pupil outlined with brown, and gold dust sprinkled here and there.

“Umm…Kim?” He snapped me out of my thoughts. I shook my head and looked into those familiar eyes again. They look so much like-

“Kendall?” I croaked; my voice stuck in my throat.

“Yeah, it’s me.” He said slowly, and smiled.

My eyes popped as I gasped and closed them tightly, opening them again to see him standing right there. He’s here? After all these years? How?

“I’m so sorry!” I apologized, laughing a little as he grinned. “But you look so unrecognizable! I mean,” I waved my hand around, indicating his hair. “what’s with the hair and the scruff? It’s kina - brown, no?” He grinned again, narrowing his eyes playfully. “It’s dirty blond and I’m 23. I like my scruff.” He said rubbing his chin. I considered him again. “Yeah, suits you. But-wow! You look different.” I said and opened my arms for a hug. He did so, and I smelled his cologne. Wow.

“Thanks. You haven’t changed.” He said pulling away and looking at me.

So? I like who I am. I held up hands in defense. “I’m sorry, Kenny boy!” I joked.

Kendall’s POV

So beautiful. Even after all these years…but no surprises here. ‘Kenny boy?’ Cute.

I haven’t seen her in so long, it’s like I still love her. Well, I never really stopped loving her, did I? Even when I had those blondes with me, I still thought about her. Can I catch up? I really want to.

“So, uh...join me for coffee?” I asked.

“Oh I-” She began but I cut her off. “I know you don’t like coffee.”

She chuckled softly. “No, I don’t but…er, I already had some.” She sounded so sorry.

“Th-then don’t drink.” I shrugged. “We can just talk, you know, catch up. We are friends, nothing wrong, is there?”

Friends? Is that all what you want to be? No. I wanna tell her I love her. Tell her I want her. But- she’s probably with someone. Right.

“Alright. We’re friends. Good. Sure.” Why does she sound flustered now? Anyway. We sat down where she was sitting previously.

“So, how’s it been?” I asked her.

“Modeling, cover-designing. Whatever. What about you?”

“I have three studio albums with Big Time Rush – you know, right?” She nodded quickly. “And one with my personal band, Heffron Drive.” I told her, and suddenly, I felt very proud of myself and the guys.

“Ooh, the ‘personal music’” She snickered. I laughed. “I have two albums of my own too.” She said happily. WHAT?! Why the hell did I not know?!

You moved to Vegas. Well she’s here too! Something to think about, isn’t it?

“Really?!” I asked.

“Mm hm!” She nodded.

“I’m sorry, I really didn’t know.”

“It’s okay. One of the hottest teen celebrities alive. I understand, you’ve been busy.” Aww. So understanding. But wait-hot?

“Forgive and forget?” I asked, feeling so damn embarrassed. My girlfriend- ex girlfriend- knows all about me, and all I know is she moved to Malibu for a year before moving back to LA. Really? No, I’m making that up.

She giggled. “Sure.”

“So, what’re the album names?” I asked.

“Angel and XOXO.” She said. “I know they sound lame, but – these are my best works.” She mumbled, looking down. The hell? She has an amazing voice.

“Hey hey hey!” I moved closer to her. “I’m sure they’re great. I’ll buy ‘em as soon as I get home. Lets forget about careers, okay? Lets talk about something else now? Okay? H-how’s life?” I asked, taking her hand.

And then she broke down. Excuse me? What happened?!

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