Chapter 16: Movie Night

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Short chapter alert!


"Popcorn?" I called from the kitchen.

"Yes!" He called back. A moment passed, maybe two when we both yelled the same thing.

"NO CHEESE!" I laughed and put the bag in the microwave and watched it pop. Neither of us ever like cheese popcorn. Him, because he says it makes his breath smell bad. Well, that's true, and nobody wants that, and I  don't like it because my salt levels rise and headaches come to stay for three days continuous. [Real case] 

"Spider-Man?" He asked as I set the bowl on the table. I grinned. "Three?" He smiled, showing of the two dimples in his cheeks and put in the disk in the DVD player. I sat down beside him and he put a blanket around us before hitting play. I shivered a little.

"Cold?" He asked.

"A little bit. Just a sec." I said and stood up again. He paused the movie and I felt his eyes on me. Watching me as I switched off the light and grabbed another shawl that lay sprawled on the couch. I sat back down and he put his arm around me as I snuggled into his side. He's like this giant teddy cuddly teddy bear honestly. And believe me, he was watching the movie, I was watching him. Stealing glances at him every now and then.

When Peter was abducted by the 'Black Spider-Man' I couldn't help but speak up.

"Ooh! Bad-boy Peter is hot!" I pretended to fan myself with my hand. Kendall looked down at me, smiling softly. "I was a bad-boy once." He said, his voice...husky? Well whatever it was, turned me on. "I remember." I said, his dark eyes, the screen flashing in them, coming closer, lower.

My heart was beating five times fast as normal, he was so close I could hear him breathing as his hot breath hit my face. I looked into his eyes, they reflected nothing but love, and then I don't know what happened. I gulped: I couldn't take it anymore. Without thinking about any other thing, or caring about the fact that only one week ago, it was I who had pushed him off, I leaned up, though there was no need since his face was already hovering inches above mine, waiting for me to make the next move, and locked lips with him.

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