Chapter 27: The Vocal Session

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OMG. Only three more chapters left! :'(


Kendall's POV

I slept in. I was talking to Kim more than half the night. Pointless talk, to be honest, but it felt good to keep hearing her voice coming into mine. It felt like she was right beside me. Which she hadn't been since the beach day.

I had missed breakfast, and was just in time for the vocal session. As I entered the room, texted over to me by my manager, minutes later, Kim arrived, panting and out of breath.

Looks like I'm not the only one who slept in. Haha. But then again we fell asleep at the same time, so -

"Hey beautiful." I greeted, engulfing her into a warm embrace, burying my face in her neck. Wow, she smells so good.

"Hey, K-Bear." She mumbled into my chest. I slowly pulled away.

"I'm sorry about that day on the beach, Kim, it was my fault you got sick I- " But she placed a soft kiss on my lips, shutting me up as she brushed her plump pink lips on mine. I swear I've never felt like this before. She's changed me. Just like she did before. Yeah.

She backed away and smiled. I smiled back and we took our places on the tall stools. I actually had to help her a bit, 'cause she's not too tall. Ha ha.

We waited in peaceful silence, making small-talk and exchanging glances every now and then as we waited for our coach to arrive.

Soon afterwards, a tall black haired woman walked in through the glass doors. "Hi." She said in a strong voice. "I'm Sarah Mills." She shook our hands. "And today, you two are with me." She said, sitting down as well.

"Wait- " I said. "What about our normal coaches? Why can't we have our sessions with them?" I asked. Sarah smiled.

"He's are on a shot break, and will be back next week. Till then, all your vocal sessions are with me, and as for Kim's coach, I have no idea what's he doing, so till they return, you two are with me. Got it?" We slowly nodded.

"So, what're we doing?" I asked.

"Going over the song lyrics." Kim said, rummaging in her handbag. "High notes." She took out some music sheets and handed them to Sarah. She studied them, and then gave it to me.
I smirked.
Who wrote the dirty lyrics?

As if she knew what was going through my mind, Kim rolled her eyes. I suppressed a chuckled as she sang the first note.

Dirty. I'm getting ideas...But I'm not sure if we're ready. Well, her basically. We need more time. 

- Later - 

 We re-wrote some of the lyrics, practiced all the notes, made our way through a hell lot of coffee, and we were on a tiny little break. I heaved a sigh and got off my stool and turned to Kim, resting my elbows on her thighs. Our forehead touching slightly, as she leant lower, stroking my cheek with her thumb - boy, that felt good.

I turned my face upwards and captured her lips in a lip-lock. She kissed back, still running her thumb across my cheek. Sparks - no, fireworks, flew a hundred miles into the air as her lips came in contact with mine, again and again and I tried to fight back the urge to moan as she bit my lip.

I snaked my arm around her back as my lips curled into a smile, pulling her closer. But then, an 'Ahem!' came out of nowhere, and the spell broke, we broke apart as the warm air left the room, and sending blood running to our cheeks.

"This was supposed to be a vocal session, not a make-out session." She smirked, and resumed her seat.

Is it okay to call her an insensitive bitch, now? Kim and I just got back together. We tend to have our moments in awkward places. People should respect our privacy.

We continued with the sing, practicing soem more, arranging and rearranging some more lyrics, hitting high notes, and learning it all. And another hour or two later, when we were all wrapped up, Kim said she wanted to go to the hospital and see her manager.

She wants to see her manger instead of spending time with you. Shut up stupid, conscience. She's worried about him. I know.

So, as we opened our cars- which were coincidentally parked next to each other, she asked where we were gonna record the song.I told her my studio, and after pecking my lips one more time, she got in her car, and left.

My eyes followed her until I lost her in the traffic. Until she was out of sight. Until I had no idea, what she was up to. SHUT UP!

Anyway. I had a good feeling about all that. The new duet and all. I wonder who wrote the song. I have to shake their hand. ASAP

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