Chapter 22: SK8 Reunited

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Kim's POV

I pulled on a sea green flow-y sundress over my swim suit and packed my goggles, sun block and other stuff in a little bag and began to wonder what to do with Fluffy. I haven't left the house much since I've had her, but when I do, I'm back before her feeding times. I don't know how long I'll be out.

I should call Kendall. Maybe his mom or his brother's will take care of her. I quickly called him up.

"Hey, Kenny!" I greeted.
"Hey Doll!"  Why? Why?? I laughed nervously.

"What're you up to?" I asked.
"I'm walking out the door -" There was the noise of a door being shut. "Now I'm opening the car -The car of a car being unlocked. "Now, I'm inside a-" 

"Stop right there!"
"Why?" He asked. 

"What should I do with Fluff-Head?" I asked.

"Fluffy." I laughed.
"Oh," He chuckled. "Call a baby-sitter?"

"A baby sitter? For a cat?"

"Oh, okay. You're coming over right?"
"I have no place else to be, baby." I could hear the smirk. I giggled.

"Okay. See you."
"Love ya." Oh gosh.
"L- love you too."

He makes my cheeks burn and my palms sweaty. Why you gotta do that, boy?
I found the telephone directory and called the Baby-sitting agency. Andy, a 16 year-old girl, would be over in a few, and five minutes after Kendall's arrival, she was here.

"So, help yourself to anything in the pantry, and Fluffy's room is the corner one down the hall." I told her. She nodded in understanding. I smiled, cradled Fluffy one more time and departed with him.

"You cat has a room?" He asked as he ignited the engine. "Yep."

"Weird." He stated.

"Hey - I wanted to decorate a room." I said in defence.

"Still." He said, his eyes on the road. "Your brother has a pig. What's more weird?" I asked.

"The cat-room." He winked. I hit his pointy shoulder and laughed along with him "You excited?" He asked as we turned a corner to stop at a signal. He connected his iPod to with the stereo system and turned up the volume. Rihanna's 'Monster' was the first one on the play list, and I couldn't stop the 'Ooh!' that escaped me. He grinned shiftily.

I sung along, dancing in my seat, and he joined every now and then, poking my side and smirking. After 'Rude Boy', one of my songs came on. Angel.

"Angel, ooh angel!
Angel, oh angel!

Ooh Angel..." 

The first chorus came on, and I couldn't help but blush because Kendall was singing along and that made the song so much better. I wonder how the duet will sound?

"We're here!" He sand, interrupting me out of my thoughts. "Huh?"

I looked up and he kissed my cheek, making the spot burn, and got out. I followed and straightened my dress. "Pretty lady!" He shouted, pointing at me like a little kid. I grinned and followed him to the sand. We took off our flip-flops and wriggled our toes. The warm sand was so damn ticklish.

Kendall pulled off his tee, leaving him in his shorts and exposing his V-line. Why dude? Why?

I grabbed the shirt and put in in the bag I carried. He smiled at me and pulled off my shades from my nose. He pulled the beach bag out of my hand, threw it aside and slipped off my dress, leaving me in my teal colored bikini.

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