Chapter 24: Sick

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TBH, this is one of my favorite chapters in the whole series. :))) 


Kendall’s POV

After we went back from the beach, I convinced Kim to spend the night at my place. She took a shower when we got back and I gave her a pair of my sweatpants and a plaid shirt. As she emerged out of the bathroom, the sleeves of the shirt were rolled up, the sweats hanging low, and her hair wrapped in a towel on top f her head like a turban.

“Hey.” I smiled as she began to dry her hair
“Hey.” She smiled back
“Are you cold?” I asked as she sneezed and sniffled
“A little bit.” She said. “But it’s okay.” Then she went outside to throw the towel in the laundry chute. She re-entered the room, but at the door, I grabbed her arm and led her downstairs, where, thankfully, the heater was on, so we sat down in front of it and I pulled her into my lap.

Haven’t done that in a while. Maybe that’s why she stiffened up for a minute? Or maybe she doesn’t want to be here? Why would that be? Ask yourself. You are myself. Tell me! –

“Kendall?” Kenneth’s voice brought me back to the lounge
“Yeah?” I asked, leaning against the couch behind us
“You’re blocking the heat.” He pointed
“Well, I’m sorry,” I said, nuzzling my face into my girlfriend’s neck. Damn that feels good to say that… or do. “But someone’s cold.” Kenneth returned to his files. Soon, mom came over and gave Kim a hand-knitted Schmidt Jumper. She pulled it on over the plaid shirt and snuggled closer to me. Her hair was almost dry, but by now, she was shivering slightly. I wrapped my arms around her back and she brought her hands together. I touched them: they were freezing. She was so cold. I rubbed her back and tightened my grip.

“C-can I g-go to b-bed, p-please?” She stammered
“Sure, sweetie” Mom said. “The guest room’s upstairs.” She told her
“Mom.” I called, giving her a meaningful look. “I’m taking her to mine. Can you get me a heating sack.” I asked and she nodded.

I carried Kim upstairs and put her in my bed, pulling the quilt over her. “I’ll be right back, baby.” I whispered. I went back downstairs to get the heating sack and an extra comforter from the guest room. I went back upstairs to see Kim shivering, her eyes closed, and her teeth chattering.

I hurried over to her, putting the sack over her feet and putting the comforter over her as well. “T-thanks.” She whispered.

I got into bed myself, unsure if I should hold her or not. Unsure is she’d let me. Unsure if she wants me so close – Can you not? You’ve gotten closer. When? Downstairs. Sitting is a different thing. Will you go? Take a chill pill!

I moved a little closer to her, but before I could do anything, she moved under the covers and found my hand. She grasped it tightly: I moved closer to her and put my under her head and the other one around her back. She snuggled deep into my chest and stayed there. I could feel her hot breath on my neck I smiled contently, at the thought of having her back, and being able to hold hr this close again.
But my baby is sick.

Happiness : 3 , Shittiness : 1


I woke up to the sun hitting my face and blinding my eyes. I looked down, Kim was still there. Right therein my arms, her cheek glued to my shirt. I brushed her hair back and kissed he forehead. She was burning. High fever…

I gently pulled away from her. She sighed in her sleep and turned on her back. Her face was red and sweaty. What to do? What to do?

Soup? Juice? Mom’s tea? Lie in? Aspirin and Advil?

There was a groan from my side and I turned to look at Kim who was slowly opening her eyes. She looked so tired. “Good morning, love.” I whispered to her. She smiled, but then moaned.

“I’m tired.” She mumbled. “It hurts.”

“Where?” I asked.
“Everywhere!” She said, looking at me with a swollen face.
“Oh, babe.” I sighed, cradling her in my arms.
“I’m so sore.” She mumbled again.

I kissed her cheek and passed her a small smile. “I’ll be right back.” I told her and quickly slipped on my flip-flops and went downstairs.

“MOM!” I yelled as I spotted her in the kitchen.
“Good morning to you too.” She smirked. Aw, her smirk is so cute.
Back to Kim! YES.

“Mom, tea. Kim’s sick.” I explained quickly.
“Help her down, take her temperature. Keep her warm. I’ll be right there.” She ordered. I turned around with a ‘To hear is to obey.’ And went back upstairs to get Kim.

I opened the door and saw that she was sitting on the edge of the bed, with her head in her hands. I hurried over to her. She looked up at me with red eyes that leaked tears and a runny tomato-red nose. She sniffled and stumbled over to the bathroom, not giving me a chance to help her.

Jerk. What? It’s your fault! How? You’re the one who threw her in the water. I- I didn’t mean that to happen. None of us do, bro. What do I do? Take care of her. I am. Then why ha she called you twice from the restroom and you’re still standing here frozen to the ground like a fucking stone statue? SHIT.

I sprinted outside and saw her standing at the sink, her face ghostly white. “What is it?” I asked.
“A towel.” She said.
“What- oh!” I went to get a clean towel from the walking closet and handed it to her.
“Thanks.” She muttered drying her face.
“C’mon.” I said, hugging her. “You need breakfast.” And led her downstairs. Mom made her some lemon tea and some fruits. Well, apples. As she preferred.

“You sure you don’t want anything else?” I asked her. She nodded. Afterwards, we went to the living room and cuddled up on the couch. “I feel better.” She said after a while. “Weird.” I laughed.

“No, really. ” She said, grinning. “I usually sick for like, two weeks, at least.” She said, chuckling softly. “Nebulizers, inhalers, nose sprays, tablets, weird drops. Yuck!” She made a face and then buried it in my neck. “And now?” I asked, placing a kiss on her shoulder.

“Now,” she looked up. “You’re my cure. So we’re all good.” She smiled happily at me. I smiled back and pecked her soft lips.

That’s my Kim. The one who is always laughing, joking, fooling around and being beyond sweet. The Kim I fell in love with ten years ago. The Kim I’ll always be in love with. Forever.



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