Omen of the Future Ch.1

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November 25, 1960

Jackie woke up to sharp pains in her stomach. She knew what was coming.

He's coming, Jackie thought, last healthy baby in a while...

She nudged Jack. "Bunny." Her voice was weak. She felt another pain go through her stomach. She screamed. "Jack!"

He sat up. In the darkness she could see his green eyes alert. "Jackie?"

"The baby's coming," she said weakly.

Jack called for the secret service who responded quickly. Jackie's stomach felt like she was going to burst in any second. Her eyes were filling with tears. "Jack!"

Jackie passed out from the pain.

She woke up several hours later, her breathing labored and she looked around for the baby.

There was crying in the room. A baby's cry. Jackie looked and spotted the baby playing around on its bed with his fingers. Jackie tried to sit up but she felt so weak. She was dizzy and her head was dizzy.

Jackie looked at her reflection in the mirror that was on the other sudden the room. Her hair was in tangles and her face was pure pale.

"Where-?" She looked around for Jack but he wasn't in the room. She turned to smile weakly at the baby John-John.

He's so cute, she thinks holding back the pain that's still in her stomach. Be even cuter if this pain didn't exist.

Jackie closed her eyes. She looked up as Joan entered the room. "Joansie," the future First Lady gasped.

"Jackie," Joan smiled. She looked down at her. "I came to meet the new Kennedy." She bent down by the crib and looked at the little boy. "Oh," she gasped. "He's so tiny, Jackie. Is he going to make it?"

Jackie nodded weakly. "The doctors told me that he's a strong baby. Hopefully I get better by Jack's Inaguration. It'll be his shining moment." She tried to sit up. Joan stopped her.

"Jackie; lay down."

"No." Jackie argued, feeling the tenseness in her muscles. "I need to...this is what doctors are for."

The pain won against her. Jackie sat down and rubbed her flat stomach. She groaned.

Hopefully she would be well enough to attend Jack's ceremony.

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