Omen of the Future Ch.12

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Blood was everywhere, it stained his clothing and his face, no not his face, her face.

Jack woke up with a cry of panic. He was lying on the bedside that was borrowed from the Summit. Jackie laid beside him, fast asleep and snoring.

I died, Jack thought numbly. He pressed a trembling hand to his temple where there was a dull ache. He groaned.

I have to stop thinking about this, Jack told himself. He got up and went outside.

The cool air was comforting and dark. His lips and mouth were dry and he greedily sucked in the cold air.

He fell back asleep but he was only assaulted with more nightmares.

John Jr. saluting his father's casket as the funeral for the fallen warrior began.

Bobby becoming senator but then dying to a bullet.

Nixon taking the oath as president and then resigning.

Jackie marrying Onassis, getting abused by both her second husband and the press, and then dying years later because of lung cancer.

David become obsessed with drugs and then dying from an overdose.

Ted having his accidents and then dying in 2008.

Micheal ramming into a tree, killing himself in the process.

And then John being killed in a plane crash.

Jack's eyes snapped open as Jackie slapped him, gently but hard enough to wake him up.

"Sorry," Jackie apologized seeing his icy glare. "You were screaming."

"What happened?" Jack croaked, already knowing what had happened.

"You were mumbling names in your sleep. Mine, Ted's, Bobby's, Micheal's, and David's." She looked worried. "Are you okay, Jack?"

"I'm fine," he lied getting up. "When's the next meeting?"

"In an hour," she said. Jack curses in frustration before standing up.

"An hour! Why didn't you wake me up?"

"You seemed peaceful," she said. He shook his head and sighed.

"Let's get this over with," he said. "The sooner we're done, the faster we get out of here."

Jackie said nothing. She shared his feelings. He was right, the sooner the better.


Lee Harvey Oswald had thought he was dead.

Of course he'd thought he was dead. That had happened to some people who had ended up in the past like himself.

Moofs, was his first thought that he called a time travel freak. He was a moof, and so was that bastard, Kennedy.

A guttural growl escaped Lee's lips. Kennedy...that fuckboy...had ruined everything when he came along. Lee had woken up in the past thinking he was the only one but it only took a few days to realize he was proven false.

He quickly realized that he was not the only moof, especially when Kennedy changed the fate of the Cuban crisis. An anger, so horrifying for others, had burst through Lee. Kennedy knows about me, there is no way I can kill him now.

At that moment the phone rang.

Lee snapped out of his thoughts and went to grab the phone. He picked it up causally. "Hello?"

"Lee Oswald," a voice that had a rough southern accent said, "I have been waiting to meet you."

Lee almost dropped the phone in shock.

The voice was no other then Lyndon Johnson.


Hey guys, long time no update right? 😅💕
I'm so sorry I just lost interest in the story, and I finally pushed myself to update it 😝🌸
I guess you could this story was (is maybe) on hold 😁😭
Anyway review, please! 😋

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