Omen of the Future: Ch.5

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April 1961, 3 months later

Jack was sitting in his rocking chair trying to hide the pain in his back that was growing every minute. The stress and fear were molding into one. In two months, he'd have to meet Kruschev. He really hoped the old leader wasn't a time traveler like him. Jack hated nasty surprises.

He fingered the rocking chair's edges till Jackie came in. Jack watched her intently. "Something wrong?"

Behind her toddled a young John. He was only a few months old but since he'd matured fast enough, he was able to both walk and crawl. He still had to learn how to talk which Jackie was trying to do.

"Did you manage to see that history book anywhere that you wrote?" Jackie's voice dropped to a whisper.

Jack's face was pale and white. "I stored it somewhere in the private cells. Ask Bobby where it is."

Jackie nodded and walked out. John stayed where he was and stared at Jack.

Jack looked at his son weakly while shaking his head. John babbled softly and clapped his hands walking toward him.

"What's that? You hungry?" Jack asked. "Okay. I'll go get you some sliced carrots."

John looked frustrated. He tried to explain what he wanted but Jack wasn't getting it. He tried to speak again but the only thing that came out was, "Dada!"

Jack looked up in surprise. His eyes widened in shock. John looked stunned as well. He had only wanted to get attention from his daddy but he'd just done something he hadn't expected.

Jack shouted. "Jackie!"

She came running up the stairs. "Jack? What's wrong?" The history book was in her hands.

"Dada!" John repeated, his eyes narrowed.

Jackie gasped stunned. A slow smile spread across her face. "John..."

"Dada...pwane cwash..." John was struggling to get the words out. His tongue worked against him.

"What?" Jack asked confused. John looked confused and annoyed.

"Pwane cwash...I was killed in a pwane cwash!" John squeaked out waving his hands up high. "And mama die in 94..."

Jack and Jackie looked at each other stunned. Bobby decided to walk in. His face was pale from another nightmare he just had. A slow smile spread across John's face. "Uwle!"

Bobby gasped. "He talks!"

Jack glared at him. Bobby sighed. "Sorry. But how can he talk?"

"He's a freak like us," Jack explained. "He hasn't told us what year he's from though."

John looked frustrated. He didn't say anything.

"Jack," Bobby warned, "according to our paper, the number of time travelers is soaring up. They say by the end of the decade, all the world leaders could be freaks. We only have three leader freaks. Glad to say Kruschev isn't one of them...but..." He stopped.

Jack glanced at him. "Bobby?"

The AG lowered his voice.

"Jack...Castro. He's one of us. He could spoil the secret...for everyone for everything."

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