Omen of the Future: Ch.7

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Jack woke up to a loud pounding on the door. He groaned. John sat up and squeaked something out. Jackie covered her head with the pillow.

"Jack! You moron! Let me in!" Bobby shouted, hammering harder on the door.

Jack shot an apology look at John before opening the door. His hair was sticking out and he was only wearing shorts. "Yeah?"

Bobby didn't bother to be civil around John. He started cussing Jack out for calling Castro. His face got redder as he heard of Jack's promise to Castro.

"You did what?" Bobby yelled. "You couldn't have! He'll break his promise!" John hid under the covers, covering his ears.

"If he breaks his promise, I'll hurt him," Jack replied, annoyed. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to call Malcolm X."

John clapped his hands. Bobby looked annoyed and steamed. "You can't do that. He'll still use violence even if you tell him not to."

"I'll tell him his future. As well as Dr. King's." Jack snapped, before heading over to the Oval. He had work to do.

As he got to the Oval, he checked the papers on his desk. They all involved problems from the Civil Rights Movement. Jack groaned. He needed Lyndon's advice. He debated whether on he should the VP.

He didn't want to. Lyndon, according to Bobby, had forced the United States into Vietnam. Jack seethed as he thought of Lyndon's list of failures. He would not let his country fall into that man's grasp.

Jack put his feet on the desk when there was a knock at the door. "What?" The president roared.

"Sir." Mrs. Lincoln answered. "You have a visitor."

Jack was annoyed. "I don't have any meetings today!"

"Sir. It's Senator Nixon."

Jack was stunned. Richard? What did he want?

"Send him in," Jack said quietly. Mrs. Lincoln heard him and nodded. The doors to the Oval slid open as Richard walked in.

"Richard," Jack said turning away. "What is it?"

"It's the Freedom Riders. One of them in their ranks is a time traveler."

Jack ignored this. "I've been thinking..."

"Thinking what?" Nixon asked.

"That someone sent us here," Jack said blankly. "We, all of us, were sent back for the end, we're all going to die..."

"Jack?" Richard questioned.

Jack stood up.

"There's something all behind this," he said. "Someone rose us from the dead and they're trying to wreak havoc among the earth by using us...of making us turn against each other..."

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