Omen of the Future Ch.2

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January 1961

The cool air felt wonderful on Jackie's face as she walked with her husband toward the limo. She was wearing a white dress with sleeves that came down to her arms and her heels painfully clicked across the snowy ground. As they got in the car, Jack turned to her with a smile. His eyes were baggy and his mouth was curled up into a smile. He looked at her.

"God, Jackie. You're so hot." He smirked, his hand going to rest on her thigh.

"Oh!" She gasped. "Jack, behave yourself."

He smirked and stroked her thigh till she moaned. That's when she stopped. He winked at her before looking outside.

Jackie was blushing pink as she looked outside. A crowd had gathered. Jackie could see their breaths as they exhaled.

When the car door opened, a blast of cold heat hit Jackie's face and she winced. Her agent, Clint Hill, helped her up and she smiled graciously at him before going to join Jack.

The cold air was blissful to Jackie's face as she walked toward the podium with Jack. People screamed her name, and they also shouted for Jack.

Jackie scanned the crowd. She looked around to see if she could spot any hostile faces. The cost was clear.

Jackie sat in a chair close to Jack. He kept shooting her lovable looks making her blush and smile.

She watched Jack step up the podium with the judge in his wake.

"I, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, do solemnly swear." Jackie watched his reaction closely. He was reliving the dream. "That I will faithfully execute the office of the president of the United the best of my ability..."

Jackie was prided. She watched Jack. She couldn't wait till the ball. She wanted to be with Jack.

When they left for the ceremony, Jackie went with Joan. Joan had been hanging out with Ted but after being teased she left with Jackie and Ethel.

Jackie wondered about the baby. Suddenly scared, she wanted to be with John.

She went to Jack who was talking with Frank Sintra. "Jack," she said. She rubbed his arm. "I need to go. I'm exhausted. And the baby..."

Color rushed to her cheeks as Jack turned away from Sintra to face her. His grin was charming, it wasn't forced. She giggled as his hand slid her thigh.

"Don't worry about me, Jackie." His breath tickled her ear. "We'll continue this later."

She blushed, the color in her cheeks still. Oh, Jack...she thought before going to her room.

She confronted John in the crib. He was awake, crying loudly. The mistress standing behind, acknowledged Jackie. "He's been like this since we came... He's...." Jackie shushed her and made her go out. Her fears were coming true but she didn't want to admit it.

She picked up the crying John. "What is it, Sam?" She asked softly. "What's happening to you? Are you becoming like your father?"

John babbled and cried. Jackie stroked his unthick hair. "Oh..."

She didn't want to admit it. But her fears were coming true.

This baby was more then just the president's son. He knew the future, she knew that because he was acting strange. And there was nothing stopping that.

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