Omen of the Future: Ch.6

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Jack spent the next few hours in shock, and in a daze. Now, he realized, the peace may not come so easily as he had hoped.

He had less then a week to figure this out. The Cubans would be launching missiles and he would send Americans to their deaths. Jack paced in the office, ignoring the tension in his back. I can't let all of them be sent to their deaths. A whole fraction of them could be time travelers.

Apart from helping the United States, Jack also tried to find out who had rose all of the time travelers back from the dead. He was anxious and he wondered who would do such a thing...and why would they do it?

Jack wiped sweat from his brow and headed outside. It was 10 pm. The moon was fully lit and the stars shined above.

He had one thought in mind but it could be risky. He went back inside and went to the phone. He dialed the number and waited silently. All he could hear was the chirping of the crickets before a heavy Cuban accent addressed him.

"Hello?" The voice was heavy Cuban accent and Jack could tell it was female.

"Hello. Can I speak to the leader?" Jack said causally, hoping the woman wouldn't panic.

"Yes, President Kennedy. Coming right up." The female answered before there was a quick chirp at the end of the line. Jack braced himself for hearing Castro's voice for the first time.

"Hello?" Castro asked, his accent filling Jack's ear.

"Fidel," Jack said calmly. "How are you?"

Castro was stunned. "John."

Jack nodded. "Yes, it's me. Time traveler."

"You're one too?" Castro laughed. "What did you come to tell me? That you don't want me unleashing my forces against your wimps?"

Jack was calm but the anger in his soul was rising. "Pointless lives will be killed if we go along with this. I'll make a deal with you, Fidel."

Castro didn't chuckle. "What kind of deal?"

Jack paused. "I won't try to kill you...I'll make Bobby stop. Stop being a thorn in my side and I won't get you killed."

Castro sighed. He was considering this.

"Fine." The Cuban leader was annoyed. Jack could hear it in his voice. "I won't. This Bay of Pigs will not exist as long as we don't poke at each other's throats."

Jack smiled. "Thank you, Fidel."

"John." There was a curt reply.

Jack sighed. "Don't call me that. Call me Jack."

With that he hung up. He knew that there was a list of records that would put down phone calls. When Bobby found out who Jack had called, he would be furious.

Sighing heavily, Jack changed and went to bed.

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