Omen of the Future: Ch.9

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After eating, Ted Kennedy went outside to get some fresh air. Joansie was with the kids and he had gone outside.

He was stunned by Bobby's phone call just a few hours ago. Bobby had told him his head felt fine now but he'd told Ted of his plane crash and how the younger brother had driven his car off a bridge and killing a women in the process. All Ted could feel was guilt and emotion. He hadn't told Joan yet, she'd be horrifed.

Ted began to get a headache. He wasn't sure. He closed his eyes and rested his head on the bricks of the house.

What's with this headache? For the last hour or so Ted had had a dull throb in the back of his head. Come to think of it, it started just after Joan gave me the chicken...

You still haven't figured it out? A strangely familiar voice sounded in Ted's mind. I thought you were some kind of genius. I mean I am, after all.

Wha? The pain had spiked for a moment when the voice appeared, and he shook his head trying to ease it. What's going on? Who are you?

The voice laughed softly, accompanied by another spike of pain. It also felt like his stomach and head was heating up. I'm you, or at least a part of you.

Ted shook his head again, blinking in confusion. What do you mean? Who are you?

I hate repeating myself, you know...

"Ted," Joan asked. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," the senator lied.

Stop toying with him. Ted recognized this voice.

Nixon?! What are you doing?

He really isn't that bright, the first voice broke in, is she? Well, just to stop you from repeating yourself like an idiot, you can call me Shard. And as for what I am...let's just say that I'm the part of you you'd rather say doesn't exist. And I'd like to say, it's good to get out again after so long.

Shard, Nixon broke back into the conversation. Stop playing around; we have work to do.

Yes, sir.

Suddenly, the pain became so great that Ted fell to the ground, clutching at his head and crying in pain. Then he felt his consciousness being pushed back as Shard began to take control. At the same time he once again felt the same power flowing through him from the pendant, that Bobby had felt when he turned into a time travel freak, which was now glowing purple.

"Ted!" Joansie knelt down next to him.

"No," the senator moaned, feeling his control of his body slipping away. "No!"

Joan reached for the pendant, but the energy was too strong and she had to pull her hand away.

Yes, Shard taunted, pushing her control further, while Ted began to have flashbacks. Flashbacks of a man flying his plane into the sea. His divorce with Joan flashes in his eyes. Dying of cancer...?

Shard, Nixon commanded. Deal with the child first.

With pleasure!

No! Ted fought vainly, putting everything he had into forcing Shard back, and resisting Nixon's power. But it was no good; with the amulet bolstering them, Ted didn't have the strength to prevail.

Poor guy, Shard thought in a mocking tone. He doesn't want to watch his future being butchered. How about this, little Teddy. Ted's vision began to darken. Go to sleep, and when you wake up, you'll be able to change your mistakes...

No! Stop! Ted fought with all he had, but was powerless to resist Shard's spell. "Ready for Round 2?" He heard himself ask as everything went black...


So Ted is now a time travel freak. Shard and Nixon were just trying to help. They're not the real villains in this story 😺🔮💕

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