Chapter 28

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Yeon Ah's POV

I couldn't sleep last night.

Jimin and I had a fight and I think we're done. I can't believe that he doesn't trust me.

He thinks that I'm having something with Jongin? Tsh. But honestly, we're just friends who became closer due to the play.

I heard him leave the house so guess I'm alone.

What have I just done with my life..

I got up and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and eew. My eyes were swollen and I looked tired.

Today was Saturday so I decided to go outside and take a walk even though I looked bad. A bit of make up will do.


I took my phone, wallet, backpack and headed out.

The cool breeze hit my face the second I got outside. I was wearing a hoodie and a beanie so I wasn't really cold.

I walked down the streets of Seoul while listening repeatedly to The Kids Aren't Alright by Fall Out Boy. The song may not match my situation but I liked the feeling it gave me.

I walked all the way to the Han river and sat on one of these benches.

I saw all the couples walking by and it made me think of Jimin.. I'm all alone now.

Suddenly, someone tapped my shoulder. Namjoon.

I took off an earphone and faked a smile.

"Hey~" I greeted him.

"Hey what are you doing here alone?"

"Uhm.. just relaxing:)"

"Yah.. don't lie. I can see by your face that something isn't right. What is it?"

I let out a big sigh and decided to tell him.

"Jimin and I broke up." I said, looking at the water.

Namjoon stayed silent for a moment. I don't know if he was surprised or not. I wasn't looking at him.

"Why?" He only asked.

I glanced back at him and said

"Lack of trust."

"He thinks you're having something with Jongin?"

I turned to him and frowned.

"How do you know?"

"Uhm.. honestly, we all thought that. You spent more time with him than with us.. Jimin was already strong enough to accept the fact that you guys were gonna kiss in a scene and always hanging out and texting Jongin doesn't really help him to get better. I think he feels left alone, Yeonnie." he said sadly.


"But he should know that he's the one I love.. not Jongin."

Namjoon let out a sigh and got up.

"That's the problem, he doesn't know. You need to show him. Anyway, I know you still love him and I hope things will get better for you guys. I need to go now, byee~"

"Bye~ thanks for the talk:)"

Do I really still love him? Uhm..

It really felt great to be able to talk to someone. I wanted to call Soo Ji but recently, she went to China with her parents due to business and I don't wanna bother her.

Anyway, I left Han river and walked to the arcade where Jimin and I used to play.

I entered and went to the game we used to play. The gun one.

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