Chapter 17

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Yeon Ah's POV

I got paired up with Jimin.

I felt rather happy than 'unlucky' like I said to him.

Jihyun was glancing at us every 10 seconds and shooting death glares to me.

But I pretended to have seen nothing and it made her face turn even more frustrated.

''And by the way, Jongin is coming back next week. Thursday.'' I said.

''What?? Really?? Aishh..''

I smirked at him annoyingly.

Anyway. We went to work and we finally decided which historical period we'll choose.

Shijo and Kasa.

Jimin wanted Koryo Kayo but I insisted and he finally gave up.

We took some notes and class was almost over. 10 minutes left.

''I don't wanna work anymore.'' I said to Jimin, my head resting on the table.

''Me neither. But let's plan the work.''

''Ok.. but I can't after school.''

''Hmm.. alright so I can finish the research with the notes taking today and you can continue tomorrow with the text writing.''

''Wait ALL the text writing?''

''If you can't finish it's okay but at least write the text for 2 topics. We'll give the others to Jongin.''


Bell rang and we went outside of the class.

When we were about to leave the lockers, me and Jimin, Jihyun came and stopped us.

''Watch out, Lee Yeon Ah.'' she told me as she went away, smiling mischieviously with her friends.

''Don't worry, I'll make sure she doesn't cause any trouble again.'' Jimin said as he patted my shoulder.


Jimin and I went out of school and when I said I'll go to work, he said that actually, the coffee shop is his all time favorite coffe shop.


''Yeah.. since I was freshman, I go to that coffee shop several times a week after school.''


''I'll come with you, I need coffeeeee.'' he said as he pretended to be energyless.

I shook my head to his childishness.

We arrived at the coffee and I greeted Hyun Joo eonnie.

I presented her to Jimin.

''Annyeong eonnie! This is my friend, Park Jimin. Jimin, this is my eonnie Hyun Joo, she works here.''

''Nice to meet you, you're a usual client right?'' she said to Jimin.

''Yeah, I think I see you sometimes too, nice to meet you.''

Hyun Joo eonnie is 2 years older than me and she doesn't go to school. Total rebel.

But she's really nice. She told me a lot concerning the shop, the usual customers, how does the boss expect us to be, how to make even better coffee, and all sorts of things like that.

We eventually became good friends.

I told Jimin to wait here and I'll go change in the cafe's uniform.

I went out and asked Jimin what would he like to order.

''I'd like a Caramel Macchiato please, miss.'' he said with a really formal tone while grinning.

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