Chapter 19

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Yeon Ah's POV

I woke up suddenly.

The sky was bright again as the sunlight was across my room.

I looked at the clock and it was 6:55 AM.

My hand was a bit numb.

I looked at it and saw Jimin's head on it.

This scene is familiar. Oh yeah, at the hospital.

How come Jimin's in my room?

Ohhh.. yeah. Thunder.

Aishh I'm so embarrassed now.

I was crying so hard.

To be honest, I'm afraid of the thunder.

When I was little, each time there would be a thunder storm, my dad would comfort me.

Every time. So I never learned to confront my fears.

That's why I'm still afraid of thunder.


When my parents weren't at home and thunder was striking, I wouldn't sleep all night.

But this time.. Jimin was here.

Thanks to him, I slept.

I looked at him and stroked his hair.

Thank you..

His position is so weird.

His whole body will be sore for sure.

I shook him and he woke up.

He looked at me, eyes half closed.

''Hmm.. you woke up already? Hmmm..'' he said, stretching up.

He gasped.

''It's already 7?! What do you wanna eat? I'll go make breakfast.'' he asked in a hurry.

I looked at him, amazed. He's like.. totally taking care of me.

''I'll help you. Let's make noodles.''

We went to the kitchen together and started to make the food.

I think because of yesterday, it became a bit awkward between us.

"Hey." I said.


"Thanks for yesterday."

"Huh? Oh.. it's nothing." he started.

"... but your crying face was soooo hilaaaarious." He finished, with a teasing look.

I looked at him pouting and beat him lightly.

I helped him make the eggs and he made the noodles.

At 7:15, we were eating.

"Waaah.. your noodles are delicious. The best!" I told him, giving thumbs up.

He eye smiled but soon faded when he put a piece of egg in his mouth.

He immediately spat it out and coughed.

I looked at him, surprised.

"What's wrong?"

He drank some water before staring at me.

"You're only good at making coffee right? Not even an egg? Aishh.. The egg is still raw in the inside."

"Huh?? Really?"

I took a look at it and hehehe Jimin was right.

"Ahhh.. Mian.. I'm only good at making coffee and eating."

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