Enough is Enough

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  Jada walks into Le's room. "Hey why that face?", Jada asks. "I .. I dont know I just have this bad feeling about something and the way Mr.Cook's voice sounded like he was scared or something". Jada gives Le a crazy look. "You sure you are not just you know anxious", "Maybe but I am a cop and I learned to study voices and body language, and my gut is just telling me something is up' '. "Let's go find out", Le chuckles "I never escaped from a hospital before". They both laugh "Well today is your lucky day".Jada helps Le' up and grabs her medicine. "Here take two of these that way you don't cramp up". Le' grabbed the two pills from Jada and swallowed them.

Jada helps Le' put her regular clothes on, puts her arm around her shoulder and exits the room. They walk to the staircase. While walking down the steps, "I think i should go see Von personally", "Would they let you go see him?", "Yes I am the officer involved in his case so they should". Both Jada and Le' stop, "Find her room and kill her, I need her dead". Jada and Le' look at each other "Bear" they both whisper to each other. They go down one more staircase in order to get to the floor. We reach the floor and quickly go inside the janitors closet due to one of the guys coming up into this floor.

Slightly out of breath "Listen to me Le' I need you to go talk to Von, explain to him everything that's going on okay?", "Jada you are talking to me like you're going to do something. No i can't let you, he will kill you and i can't have that happen, at the end of the day I know that will hurt Von and he will never forgive me". "Le' you are the only one that knows where the chip is". Le gives Jada a sad look. "I .. i can.." , "Le I will be fine that way you can get out of here". Le nods 'yes', She looks around and finds an extra uniform. Jada hands her the car keys and the piece of paper with the guards information. "Goodluck with Von" Jada says as she walks out the closet.

Taking a deep breath, My mind is all over the place. Bear keeps getting in the way of everything. "I need him to get killed". I exit the closet pushing the cleaning kart. Avoiding the cameras, pushing the elevator button. I turn my head side to side to make sure the coast is clear. "Going down" the elevator doors open. I enter in reverse still keeping my head down. I press the number 1 botton.

The elevator goes down; 8,7,6th floor. The elevator opens. I continue to put my head down avoiding eye contact.

A man walks in, the elevator closes. "She's in here somewhere, find her", That voice I recognize anywhere. My heart sank to my stomach, I recognized that voice anywhere. "Bear" I whisper. This is my one and only chance, this is my opportunity. I look around and there's no cameras in the elevator. 5,.. I grab the bleach off the kart, opening it quietly. 4,... he has his back turned against me. 3,.. I gather all my strength and anger. 2,.. I lift my head "You looking for me" , he turns, his face says it all 'he seen a ghost'. I throw the bleach directly into his face. He falls to his knees screaming in pain. I push the kart against him knocking him down completely. I quickly push the elevator hold button. "I am going to kill you , you little bitch and that boyfriend of yours".

He continues to scream in pain. I know his face feels like it is melting off and it's such a good feeling. Grabbing the mop stick, I start beating him with it. "You killed my friend, you ruined everything", he continues to scream in pain, "okay okay what do you want" he asks me. I cuff you "Turn yourself in and drop the charges against Von".

Bear laugh hysterically, "You really think that they will believe you?, you hid evidence from the police, you tried protecting a criminal, not only is he getting charged with what he had but also for killing an officer" he continues to laugh, "You weak, pathetic, naive little bitch. It was so easy getting you trapped in arms, you think that I did not know yall had history, or how you lost that devil child" laughing "you really thought that were going to be a family?". "Shut the fuck up" Le' yells. She pulls the gun out, clocks it. Bear chuckles "please you have not killed a soul, you don't have the guts". "You are right" Le puts locks the gun and puts it back in her back, she grabs the mop stick and aggressively pushes it against one of Bear's bullet holes. "Fuck" he screams in pain, " I know that you did not cover properly, I also have evidence that you killed Danny and that you are Jesus the biggest murderer in the globe, That is why you are looking for the chip because you know if I turn that in it will clear everyone including me, you really thought that I was stupid, you assigned to Von to play your little dirt game and I will the dirty cop". Bear looks at Le with Fear.

"Now, *she pushes up against another bullet hole* call your men and tell them to go home", Bear moans. "And if I don't?" bear says while still in pain. Le chuckles she pulls the gun out and pulls the trigger.




Bear flinches in fear. "The next bullet will be yours, dont try anything stupid or any codes" She says while pointing it at his head. "Fine, hand me the walkie", "You must really think im stupid, get it yourself". Bear exhales angrily. He reaches for the walkie, "She's not here","How do you know that boss?","I asked the receptionist, she was discharged", "okay boss call if anything", "copy that". "Throw the walkie over here" Le mouths. Bear throws the walkie. "Now what are you going to do with me?", Le' chuckles "Don't question me, now i hope you have a nice nap". Le pistol whips Bear to sleep. She makes sure the cuffs are in there tight. Struggling to pick up his body she finally succeeds dropping his body inside the kart. She put the cap back on and released the hold button on the elevator. 1st floor,.. She exits the elevator straight to her truck. She dials for Jada "Hey meet me in my house asap i have a gift".









"Bennett, you have a visitor" The C.O. says while opening the door. "Who is it?" Von turns to the door. "It's your lawyer", "Tell him I don't want to see him" He says while turning back to face the wall, "It's her last name Moore.". Von inhales and gets up. He put his hands behind his back, the guards cuffs him. Both walking out the door.

Walking down that hall, I have a feeling on who I might see. I am so ready for what she has to say. "Right here" The officer says to me. I inhale and exhale so release some anger before I enter this room. Everything was moving in slow motion. He opens the door. I see her turning her head towards my Direction. "Le'naera" my mind says.

The officer walks Von to the chair and handcuffs him to the table. Both Le' and Von were looking at each other. Von is giving Le a dead stare. "You don't have to cuff him, officer" Le says while still looking at Von. "You might wanna make the cuffs tighter, officer" Von says to the guard while looking at Le. The officer clears his throat and hands Le the keys, "Here you go Detective". He leaves locking the door behind him.




... Silence ...

  Von chuckles "You got me exactly where you wanted me". 

Im sorry if its a short chapter guys. Enough was Enough seems like things are finally falling into place. Well for Now. After the whole mix up Le' finally had the guts to face Von. Will he forgive her ? 

Find out in the Next Chapter Of Corrupt

  Rest In Peace to the Legendary Dayvon Bennett . WE NOT FROM 63rd !!!

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