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   Le' panics, she looks every where for the briefcase and nothing. "Von" she dials his number but it goes straight to voicemail. "No no no no no" she dials again, straight to voicemail. "Fuck" she yells. Running out the door, she quickly rushes to the car and speeds  to Von's apartment. While driving she dials his number again and still nothing. She dials for Danny, "Danny please I need you to call Kaleb and have him track Vons phone please someone stole the briefcase from my house" she leaves him a voicemail. She looks at Danny's location to see he is at a shipment area.

  "Why" asks Bear "What I ever do to you?". "Your little girlfriend screwed with me, she gave my name to the cops and your little hoe is on to me so", Bear shrugs. "Don't speak of her right now because of you I might have to kill her", "Hands up" Danny yells while pointing his gun and both Von and Bear. "I knew it was you Chief", Bear points the gun at Danny "I see you changed to the good side Daniel". Von point his gun at bear, Bear looks over "You kill me and I'll kill her". Von breaths heavily, he points the gun at Danny.

  "She loves you" Danny says to Von. "She don't shes trying to lock you up, look at this" Bear pulls the bullet out his pocket, "She gave me this and told me to lock you the hell up". Danny nodes his head at Von. "If I go down, she will and you will to Von and I know your dad would not want that". Von inhales sharply, he turns to Bear pointing the gun at him "If i do this you have to promise that Le would be safe". "You have to keep her safe Von, he will kill her anyway just like he killed your dad". 

  My eyes opened wide, "So you did kill him?" I yell at Bear. Next thing I know he shoots Danny on the arm. "Now are you going to listen to me or this cop Von". My heart is beating so fast it feels like its going to come out my chest. "Is it true you killed him?". Bear scoffs, "Your dad was my best-friend believe or not", I see he starts getting emotional. It don't make sense, "You are trying to dig me down for your shit, I had no choice but to kill Marcus it was self defense" I yelled clocking the gun back. 

  A shot goes off. Danny pulls the trigger hitting his Chief on the the thigh. Von takes advantage of the opportunity and starts beating Bear up. "This for fucking with me" punching him in the jaw, "Fucking with Le" he continues punching up this time in the ribs. "For Jada" he punches him on the wounded thigh. Von backs up and this he uppercuts Bear "Is for my dad". Bear falls to the ground. Danny lays back "Im bleeding out", Von rushes to him. "You gon be okay bro" he puts pressure on Dannys shoulder. "She loves you okay she did not give him the bullet" Danny says while breathing heavily. Von has his back turned against Bear.

   Von is applying pressure on Dannys shoulder. "I dont think I can forgive her", Danny chuckles, "She she was never here to put you away". Danny stutters, Von grabs his phone "Ill call help", Danny stops Von, "You have to get out of here Von he has the bullet that is enough proof to put you away I'll be okay go". Von nodes his head, "Take care of her okay?" Danny tells Von while he gets the strength to pull himself over Von shielding him from Bear.

  Hearing him flinch for every bullet entering his body broke my heart. "Fuck" I scream as I pulls Dannys hopeless body off of me. Quickly pointing the gun at bear emptying the clip. "Shit" I hear him scream while he runs into the darkness. I get up, "Where are you?!""Come out and Face me Bear". Another fire goes off hitting me on the side. I fall to my feet "Just kill me now" i said while he is crippling to me all beat up, seems like his legs got shot up. "No you going away" He says while tossing the plastic bag near Dannys body, he bends down to grab my jammed gun and throws his near me. "Dont ever under estimate me Dayvon" he said "Oh look its time for me to go". He runs into the darkness.

  Le' finally pulls up to the shipment area where she sees two bodies on the ground. "Oh my god" she quickly gets out the truck and runs towards them. She breaks down "No, Danny" she screams and yells while kneeling down to grab Danny. She turns her head to see Von grabbing his side with blood all over his shirt. She inhales deeply "You did this" she ask Von while crying, "Le no I did not it was your Chief he is Bear" Von says while breathing heavy "Please Le --", "Shut up" she yells at Von while getting up. She sees the bag with Vons bullet in there, "He tried to confront you and you killed him?" she asks Von. "No Le Danny tried to confront Bear and he killed him", "Really?" she says while getting up "So where is bear" she gets up and reaches for her cuffs.

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