Ambitious II

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Speeding down the street, "Chris Chris, are you okay?", "Yeah yeah you?", "Yeah we cannot go back to your house, Bear is after us and now he will not stop". Von continues going straight then hops on the highway. "I know where to go" Chris starts giving Von instructions.

Arriving at Chris ' bunker. They hop out the vehicle. "That's weird", "What wrong", "There aren't bullet holes in the car". Von turns around to check out the car. I brush off the situation. We head inside and go straight to his computer room. "Okay Le' lets see what you have in here". The file pops up on the computer. "Its a video?", Von says in confusion.

"To whom sees this I am detective Le'naera Moore. I was assigned to work on the Dayvon Bennett case in chicago. Mr. Bennett is a 24 year old male born and raised in the city of Chicago. A little bit of his background um.. his mother passed when he was just a kid. She passed from natural causes. His father Voncir Bennett was a hard working man just trying to make it out in the world. That is until the day he lost his wife. After hours of trying to get his wife the best funeral services. He lost his job, working in america right?. Couple years after losing his mom Von lost his father to gun violence. That investigation went cold due to the fact they could not find out who exactly was responsible for the death of Voncir Bennett."

"What the police fail to tell you is that they basically blamed him for his own death. Just because Mr Voncir was part of a deadly gang called OTF. On The Family or OTF is a deadly gang in chicago. They bring deaths and fear to the community. They have been for centuries. As I dug deeper into his fathers death I came to a conclusion that the original OTF Leader Jesus Cruz was responsible for Mr.Bennett's death. Also an Chief who was lead of the police at the time of these crimes was also investigated for corruption. CPD believed that Deputy Jones was leading Jesus to blind spots from the police. Also letting him know CPD plans to take down the illegal operation going on. The day of the innocent Voncir and Marcus Cook were both gunned down. Jesus was caught and Jones disappeared from the face of the earth. Also what CPD failed to tell us was that. "Jesus" was found in Jones' patrol car with a badge and everything. The only thing missing was the gun. Here is the proof *Documents pop up on the screen*". Chris pauses the video, "All this is true?", Von asks. "Yes marcus was my brother, he was the closest one to Jesus".

"She quoted 'Jesus'", Von says. "Lets let her finish because she is pulling up new evidence that I never seen before, so she must have been Digging and heavy on this whole investigation". Chris un-pauses the video.

"As you can see this report was written but never turned in. Meaning someone else was a corrupt cop also and made sure that the file was never found. The gun has been missing for years. Could not track down because it was re-programmed, and could have been sold in the black market. I know what you are wondering how this has anything to do with Dayvon. Well it does as you can see here. Jesus, Jones, Marcus, and an unidentified male had all boys except for the unidentified male, he had two daughters and Jesus had adopted a child, a girl. Also searching up Hospital histories and prison records the blood of Jesus does not match. *Another document*. The real Jesus blood has a similar percentage to Voncir. Meaning they are brothers from the same father and different mothers."

Von backs up from the screen, "What?". He starts hyperventilating. Chris gets up "Hey Von look at me", "Bro you knew about this?", "No I am just as shocked as you". "You mean to tell me that Jada is my cousin?". "She said Jesus, which is Bear, had a son, the only person that had a daughter was the man that she could not identify".



So what does this whole thing mean?. I need answers. I need them now. They all knew each other. They were all part of the same gang. "So let me get this straight, you are not Bear's biological brother?"I ask chris. "No we all grew up together. Bear introduced me to your dad but he never mentioned that they were brothers, Never nor did your dad". Okay that explains it cause if we were all related that's just disgusting man. "So how does Jada come into this whole thing?. "After they caught fake Jesus the real one left and made a life out of himself. The last thing he told me was that he adopted a kid and had a whole new face, after that I never heard from him again". "Who is that unidentified man"?, "Idk I never knew that Jones had a partner". "Okay let's just finish watching this video at least some of it".

"Could it be a brother at war with the other?."

"Day 1 into the Bennett investigation, Marcus son of Marcus has been found dead in a hotel room. One bullet through the head, as he searched the crime scene, seemed like he was set up. The money and jewelry were gone, also both of the weapons. There were two different types of blood in the crime scene not only on the ground but splattered on the wall, The last person seen with Marcus was Jada Moore. Seems like the people that rubbed him came in through a blind spot in the hotel. It looked as if Ms.Moore was trying to distract Marcus. When the males went in the room but there was no sign of break and entering so the door was open. I swabbed two different gun powders, a .12 pistol and a .9 pistol. The crazy thing is the .9 pistol came back to be Jones gun. SO I had finally found a lead to the missing gun. Marcus had the Jones gun. The powder on his hands matched the gun.Question is where did he find the gun. I knew he shot Dayvon because the other blood came back to him. I did not make the arrest because Marcus shot first."

"How do I know that well thanks to forensic scientist Daniel Cook he was able to do an experiment with the blood *special blood sheet* Dayvon's blood was dried up 1 minute before Marcus. Dayvon acted in self defense, now the person that I really want to question is Jada. I found Marcus' phone in the lobby. It seems like Jada was trying to get away with it and ran downstairs making it seem like a victim as you can see in the video. Now *pulls up text messages*, this was the night two nights before. When I came in contact with Dayvon at Galaxy Club."

"Are we still on , as Jada, Yes you really think this is going to work, Ask Marcus, It should just don't over react and it will go as planned he will go down. Jada and Marcus were planning to make it seem like Von was robbing them and Marcus acted in self defense. But see the tables turned because Marcus did react to fast. Dayvon acted in self defense."

"All this is making me so mad," Von says. "So Jada wanted to set me up with Marcus and after making it seem like she was on my side she was going to help me the whole time she was helping me to help him". Von sits on the chair and exhales and pushes his hands over his face. "I cannot believe this shit like how I know who to trust. Yeah i was horrible to Jada but I did love her" He chuckles, "I feel dumb as fuck why did not notice or thought about it". "I know how you feel Bear messed with all of us and he will do anything to get to the person he wants dead". "He under-estimated Le' potential that's why ..", "That's why she's missing" Von finishes his sentence.

Chris email notification goes off. He pulls his phone out of his pocket and checks it. "Shit", Von gets up, "What happened". Chris gulps, "The um.. The blood they found on Le's house matched her and... pieces of her scalp with hair follicles and um.. Two of her fingers were delivered to the police station with this note" Chris turns the phone to Von. "Should have listened to them, I will get vengeance" XO Chief.



My heart sank to my stomach as I went through the article. "They found an unidentified body with fingers missing and part of their scalp". I was holding back the tears. After all these years the only real one on my side was Le'. That conversation we had last. We were talking about me getting out, her setting me free. Us leaving this bull shit behind. Starting a future, having kids, just us. I would have never thought that would have been the last time I saw her smiling. I fell to my knees. All of our memories were flashing back on mind while the tears fell from my cheeks.

Chris tried to pick up Von. "Common man lets bring her justice, we have to finish the video, we have to hear her out".      

 Rest In Peace to King-Von      we NOT from 63rd 




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