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  Dayvon Bennett was born and raised in Chicago. Von did not have it easy his mother Dayanara was diagnosed with Breast Cancer when he was five. His father Voncir was working as an janitor at the local school, Chemo and hospital bills were catching up to the family.

Not making enough money Voncir was struggling to support his wife, pay the bills. and have food on the table. Voncir had no choice but to dedicated his life to sell heroine and cocaine. Voncir joined the "OTF" gang. He was desperate to make quick money. All he haves on his moind was his wife and son. 

  Voncir got jumped into the gang as so did this man nick-named "Bear". After having a war with breast cancer Dayanara lost her battle seven years later. Von was only twelve in the 7th grade . The saddest thing is a son growing up without his mother someone who sees no wrong doing and supports their son through thick-and-thin. A father who is in the streets and one day might not make it home is too much stress on a little boy.

  Voncir was not proud of the things has done. He really did not have a choice losing his wife and being a single father he just wants the best for his son. Bear and himself became closer and closer as the weeks went by. After Dayanara's funeral Voncir became more and more involved in the streets.

  Throughout the months Voncir introduced the streets to Von. He did not make his son get jumped in but he did teach him how to play with it and deal with it. How to sell the drugs without getting caught and what to do in-case someone double crosses him. After two years Voncir and Bear got tired of taking orders from another man, they have made a plan to kill the big boss and split everything in half. Yes it is very risky to take on the big dog especially when everyone is under their wing.

  Little do Voncir know in the streets you have to keep your friends close and enemies closer. The day the plan was suppose to happen, Voncir dropped off Von at WestMont High. "I love you son". Von never thought that would be the last time he will see his dad. Voncir did not double think about himself of his son. That was the last day he ever saw his son.

  Von is only fifteen with both parents gone. He knew his father was gone when he did not return home to tuck him into bed. No matter what Voncir made sure he came home to tuck his son into bed. Von knew what he had to do. 

    Le'Naera Moore was born in raised in the city of Chicago. Le's life was the complete opposite of Vons. Le's mother Laura was a social worker and her father walked out on her mom when she got pregnant. Her childhood was good.

  Laura picked up on the Vons case. Since himself and her daughter went to the same school she decided to foster Von. She took him in as her own son. Yes it was hard to make von open up due to all the trauma in his life. She went to pick up von at his house. All the little boy took was a treasure chest and family pictures nothing else.

  A whole year went by since the death of Voncir. The exact day Von came home with with both eyes busted, his nose bloody, broken ribs, and a dislocated shoulder. Little did Laura know Von got jumped into the gang. Due to his age and his father reputation they were Ordered not to make Von do anything that will cost his life.

  he had to beat on people and sell here and there. Throughout that year Von did not open up much to Le' and Laura but he did love them and care for them. That is why he never told them the truth about what happened to him that night he came home beat up. He never even sold around the house or even made it known that he lived with them.

  Things changed when tboth kids went to Junior year. Von finally opened up to both of them especially Le'. He admitted to Le he was part of the Gang and she accepted him anyway. Helped him bag up the narcotics. Talked like bestfriends, helped each other like husband and wife and rode for each other like Bonnie and Clyde. She Hid guns for him and even got information for him. Von never let Le go to the block or even sell the drugs for him cause he did not want her in no funny business. 

  They fell in-love with each other. They knew it was never going to be accepted especially from their mom so they stayed on the low. The thing is keeping their relationship secretive Von was allowed to be around and be with different females. The thing is Him and Le never had sex. It was never brought up.

  Senior prom was around the corner. Le was thinking about taking the relationship to the other level. She gives in. After that Von never spoke or even dated any other females. Two weeks after that Le got accepted to her dream college in Denver, Colorado. After graduation Von broke things off with Le. He wants the best for her, he wants her to become something and be something in life. He is not going to be anything but he Gang-banger. He will either end up six feet under or in jail. 

  After four years Le comes back and everything changed. Will she come back to destroy Von. Or Will Von get to her first. Find out more in CORRUPT 

             Rest In Peace King-Von

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