"Forgive Me?"

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  "You got me exactly where you wanted me," Von says. "I--", "Let me talk Le'naera''. Von cuts off Le'. Von sniffs, he puts his hands on the table. "After everything we have been through Le, you managed to fuck ME over, or did you forget about the shit that I did for you huh?". Von licks his lips and bites them out of anger. "You came back just to fuck my life up? you know how frustrating it is to be so blinded by love?". Le looks down at the table, Von hits the table "Look at me dammit'' He yells at her. Von breathes heavily "I know that the last thing I said was to leave me alone, but you don't know why I told you that", "I dont" Le voice cracks a little. Von puts his elbows on the table, and his hands together. "I had a price on my head, i've been in this lifestyle for years, & when you catch the target you go to his love ones to hurt him",he pauses "I sat here and let you go Le' because I did not want you to get killed, and look how that turned out me protecting you and you end up locking me up". Von laughs "I should have just killed you myself".

Le inhales, she is trying to hold in her tears. Le reaches and unlocks his cuffs. "Then do it".Von looks down, he is shocked to see his hands are free. He looks up at Le'. She inhales in fear. Von was so quick on his feet that Le blinked and she was up against the wall with Vons hands on her throat. They are both breathing fast. "I.. i know I ..fu-" his grips gets tighter. "Shut up", Le is choking, she feels a bit light headed. Her vision is getting a bit blurry but she manages to look at Von with tears falling from her face.

I want to kill you so bad but I love you so much.

Von lets go of her. "Fuck" he yells in anger and punches the wall. Le falls to her knees holding her throat coughing. Le begins to cry "I love you Von, I .. I know i messed up but regardless my love you never went away" she hyperventilates a little bit. Von runs his hands over his mouth. He turns around facing Le'. "You never loved me". Le gets up trying to restrain her energy. Holding her one neck "How can you say after everything I have done for you? I put myself at risk for you if that is not love than what is it", "Toleration" Von screams as he steps up to Le'. Le gets in his face "Bullshit" she inhales "I was in love with you, We were together since freshman year of highschool, I STILL was there despite YOUR bad life choices, anybody else would of turned you down, I helped you cook, rob, shoot and plan", "Tell me huh what other female would of done that for you at the age of 15 knowing the rest?".

She's Right.

How could he even question my love for him now he is making me mad.

Von backs up "Man whatever", he tries to walk off on her. Le grabs him by the arm "You know i'm right that's why you are brushing me off". Von snatches his arm back "I am done here", Le jumps in front of him, "No we are not done here". Von licks his lips, "Get out of my way Le", "No", Von scoffs "Man move i'm trying go back to my cell", "No because you know you don't love me" Le yells in his face with tears running down her face.

How the hell can she say when she was the one that left me !

I know you love me, Just tell me you love me.

Von laughs "I knows you are not talking about love, says the one that left off to college and forgot all about me, huh explain yourself", Now Von gets in her face "You left for years no calls, no text, no letters, NOTHING" putting his finger on her face while saying that. "You're right I didn't but-". "Man i don't wan hear it" he walks away from her again. "I was all by myself you had me questioning myself like damn does she really love, i was so stupid sitting there waiting for you to come back, and you never did but that was okay cause I found Jada she loves me. And it's so upsetting that all the anger I was building inside from you leaving. She received it, she deserves so much better", Le puts her hand on his shoulder, "Dayvon are you ready to let me talk." Von turns around facing her, "We are done here Le", "No we are not Von I am trying to help you", "Help me with what I am in here you can't do nothing". Le looks him in the eye. "Can you sit down please please". Von scoffs and he sits back in the seat.

Le sits across from him, "You are right okay, yes I left and I went ghost but.. When I got to colorado , and came to the conclusion that that is my life, my career. I was indecisive on what I wanted to do with myself. Then it hit me that I wanted to be a detective.I knew the lifestyle my Boyfriend had and I knew that you wouldn't accept me" Le breaks down. "I became a detective, a damn good one. After two years in the field. I was assigned to your case and yes I had to arrest you yes I'm not even going to lie to you. As I got deeper and deeper in your case things were not adding up. The night I took the bullet out of you that was the day I knew there was something so much deeper than just you I knew there was a cop involved". "Bear is the cop" Von finishes her sentence.

"Let me ask you something Le' what was your plan?", "To prove your innocence, I know you did not kill Danny, I also know that you killed Marcus on self defence cause he shot you first. You beat his brother, you never killed him". Von exhales, "How do you know?", "I spoke to him, Bear sent him.. You are in here because Bear will kill you if not he will send someone too. I cannot let that happen". Von calms down.

She was never my enemy. She was and still is the girl that loves me.

"Do you even have proof that Bear is guilty?". "Yes I do once I turn that in its over for him. His real name is Jesus Montez, he is one of the biggest murderers in the country". Von drops his head "He killed my dad didn't he". Le lifts his head gently, "I'm sorry", "I really thought you were against me" Von says while looking into her eyes. "I will never, I love you", "I love you" they say to each other. "I am going to get you out of here and nobody will ever come between us ever again". Von nods his head at her. "Forgive me?" Le asks. Von chuckles "For now". They smile at each other.




Le arrives at Mr.Cooks house. She knocks on the door, "Come in," Cook says. "Hey are we still down for this?" Le asks. Cook chuckles "Let's get Von out". "What are we going to do with him?" Cook asks while they both look at Bear all tied up. "We wait until it's Von's court date". Le gets closer to Bear "You fucked with the wrong one". Bear is mouthing through the tape. Le yanks it out, "You really think my people won't have a search party looking for me? I am a cop at Deputy at that", he laughs. Le laughs "You see I am 10 steps ahead of you, I left a little note on your desk saying you went on vacation. Once we turn in that cheap and it proves that you are indeed a dirty cop, That search party will turn into a hunting one". Bear opens his eyes wide, but then he chuckles, "You should watch who you've been hanging around lately".

"What's that supposed to mean?" Le ask. Bear shrugs "what's that quote,'keep your friends close and enemies closer'". Le punches him, "Why why you tgerget me & von". Bear laughs "you must not know who Your father is". "My father died years ago", "You sure about that", "What are you trying to tell me". Bear laughs while blood drips from his mouth. "Sweetheart If i really wanted to kill you I would have been, my target was not you it was Von, In that hospital I was not only looking for you.". "So you were looking for Jada too why? She never did anything to you". Bear, "My Daughter can never follow simple instructions". Le's facial expressing went from serious to seriously shocked, "What?, No". "That little girl you left years ago was Jada?", Cook asks. Bear turns to look at Cook, "Yes she got the last name Moore from her mother". Le' breaths angrily "You are lying!", "No Im not why do you think I knew where you was, or  the real history between you and Von, why do you think I chose you specifically to work on his case, or how I knew that Cook here was helping you with the case explain that". Le breaths heavily.

   Oh .. M .. Gee.. That was the biggest plot twist of them ALL !! Jada was one of the biggest enemies of them all. How could SHE??!. Beside all that I am so happy Le and Von finally made up. What you guys think will happen Next ?! 

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Rest In Peace to the Legendary King Von .. we NOT FROM 63rd !!

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