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  After a long night of Sweaty & Sloppy Sex Von checks his phone. "Call me ASAP" a text message from Bear. "Fuck" Von whispers to himself. He gets up, gets dressed and walks to his truck. Von inhales and dials Bears number. "So is it true that someone got shot while robbing that nigga" Bear questions Von. "Yeah I got shot I --", "What the fuck Von you know if they match your shit we are all going down!". Von inhales and licks his lips "I know I did not know he was brave enough to shoot", Bear exhales "Ard man ill handle it but the next time we having issues". Bear hangs up on Von, Von drives back to his house.

  Le is soundly asleep when her phone goes off. "Hello?", "Ms. Moore its the Chief, The other DNA found in the crime scene did not match anyone in our system looks like we have a killer on the loose". Le clears her throat "How about the gun powders did it match anything?" Le asks while looking at Von bullet. "No nothing if you find anything please let me know looks like Mr.Bennett did not have anything to do with this scene", he hangs up.

   Maybe Von was telling the truth maybe he did get caught in  a cross fire. Maybe the bullet does not match up to the gun powder in the crime scene. Le gets up to do her morning routine. She dials for Danny "Hey can you meet me in my house please I need to show you something".

  Danny pulls up to Le' house with a suitcase. She lets him "Whats in the suitcase?", "Evidence". Le looks confused "From what scene?", "At least five of them". They both go sit at her table, Danny opens up the suitcase takes out his laptop and a couple files. Le comes back with the bullet. "Woah what the hell is that?", "Its the bullet that matches the gun that was in the crime scene, It was inside of Von". Le sighs while sitting down "I am not sure if its the bullet from the gun I need you to scrap off some of the powder and see if it matches the crime scene". "Von killed Marcus"

  "We dont know that yet", "Le its obvious the boul got robbed we dont know if Jada set him up with Von, another person gets shot and crazy coincidence that Von had a .45 bullet inside of him". Le shakes her head cause she knows that Danny is right "You are right but the chief called me about half hour ago and said that the DNA sample they found in the crime scene did not match anyone in our system and that is weird because Von is in our system plenty of times". Danny looks at Le in disbelief "Could it be that there is an dirty cop in the office". 

   "If there were a dirty cop wouldn't there be an investigation on that person", "Yeah but maybe he or she is too smart to get caught" Danny assumes. He grabs the bullet from Le with gloves and scraps inside of it into his machine thing. "It matches"

  That was my biggest fear. Von killed a person just hours before we got together. Shame on me for sleeping with him. "Who did the gun really belong too" Le questions. "I did some dinging already and it was Deputy Jones gun". By the way Danny is a Forensic Scientist. "I remember that case he was a dirty cop and they were pulling an investigation on him, he was working for Big Mike, Mike was the top dog of O-Block before Vons dad and "Bear" tried to take over". "Why would Marcus have Jones gun" Danny questions. Le goes get her computer and does her research. "See Jones was killed in a car accident about two years ago maybe he was killed on purpose because he was getting tired of being a dirty cop so they killed him and stole his gun and right here it says they found his body with no gun or badge so the person who stole the gun from him must of re-programmed it so it wont be traced and sold it in the black market"

  "Were they ever investigating him?", "Yeah they were and than he just dies" Le said. "So Von's dad was working with Bear which they were working under Mike", "Yeah but Mike and Von were killed the same day, after everything went down they made it seem like they killed each other". Danny and Le were both so confused it seems like everything connects in some way. They both dig into their computers to find files in of the day Jones was killed. "Mmm thats odd", "What happened" Danny asks. "There is no files from Jones no death certificate, its blank". Danny looks at Le, what he says afterwards is crazy. "What if he is not dead?", Le looks at Danny "That could be an idea or an explanation on to why his file is blank". They continue to search up more.

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