Out of Sight

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 I woke up. I can hear my own breathing, looking around I see Jada sleep on the chair. I look up and see my monitor. I tried to speak but I had a tube down my throat. Choking , Jada wakes up and quickly calls the Doctor.

"Okay Okay Ms.Moore, calm down" the doctor says to me while I panic. They take the tub out and I can finally breathe. "Okay are you okay Ms.Moore, do you feel any pain" questioning me I nod my head no. "Okay we are going to bring you some more antibiotics, Ms. Moore, I am so sorry to inform you but you've suffered a miscarriage. Due to the misscarriage you suffered a severe infection we had to take you in for an emergency surgery to empty out your uterus. I am sorry for your loss". The doctors walk out and I begin to cry.

"Le, did you know you were pregnant?", Jada asks. "I.." swallowing my mouth dry. "Water please", Jada hands Le a cup of water. Le sits up and drinks. I inhale and exhale while crying, "I did, with this whole investigation I have been so stressed, with finding who the dirty cop is, to the bullet being stolen from my house, to Danny getting killed Von being there I .. I have not been eating. I was not sleeping and now the only thing on my mind is Von" Le breaks down.

Jada sits next to her and holds her, "I know what you are going through, why didn't you tell me?", "I did not want to be seen as fragile or weak so I pushed myself", "Did Von know you were pregnant?", "No I found out the day that he told me to leave him alone, I had just found out moments before and then the next day.. All this shit went down, so i decided to keep it to myself and just go with the protocol". Jada pauses. "You were about to get rid of it?"Le breaks down more "Yes I was and please don't tell anyone not even Von", "Le he has a right to know".

Le shakes her head, "The baby is gone, Jada there is no point in bringing up something that no longer exists". Le puts her hands over her face. The doctor comes back "We will be observing you here for a couple days, here are the antibiotics for the pain.". The doctor hands Le the medicine. "How bad is her infection Doc." Jada asks. "It got severe, it was bad enough to the point where you needed surgery. See your uterus rejected the embryo so it was growing in your fallopian tube. Due to that you were bleeding from your tube to your uterus and that caused the infection, Did you feel any cramps or pain the past few days ?". Le sighs "Yeah but Ignored them". "You are lucky to be alive that could've caused you your life", "Thank you doctor". The doctor walks out the room.

"You cannot stay here Jada, I need you to go talk to Von and tell him you have a lawyer for him", "Le I can not just leave you here what if bear comes and you are here". Le chuckles a bit in pain, "If Bear wanted to, he would have been." . "Please Jada go make he lawyers up and not give up". Jada sighs "Okay I'll go up there but" Jada grabs her purse and reaches for the gun. "You are going to need this" she tosses it at Le'. Le chuckles, she tosses it back "You need it, take my car there is an extra gun in there, my car is bullet proof".

Jada leaves the room.



"Bennett lets go", Von gets up from doing push ups. He turns around, puts his hands behind his back. The guards slam Von to the ground, "You are going to the hole", "Fuck you" Von says to the guard. They cuff him and pick him. "I can walk myself" Von breaks from their Grip. They let him walk.

Turning the corner of the hallway. I see everyone in their cells screaming and yelling. We walked inside the staircase, walking down the steps "Can we have a female guard come down to the main floor please we are having an issue", "What is going on?", "Just get someone up here now", the guards were talking through the walky. We finally arrived at the hole.

Can you imagine being in a room with no windows, no light. Just an entrance that opens from the outside in and that is just for food. We walk inside the room. "Okay Bennett". The guard says to me while I stand besides the bed. "Your public defender will be coming soon to speak to you about your new charges", "Okay". They close the door behind them.

"What seems to be the problem down here" The female guard says while walking towards the desk. "The young lady is asking for Mr.Bennett and I informed her that he is in the hole for misconduct", "What do you mean in the hole he's been here for less than 24 hours and he is already in the hole?". "I'm sorry what is your name ma'am", "Why does that matter is my husband okay or not". Jada demands answers, "Mr. Bennett has been put in the misconduct room for a fight that happened earlier where someone ended up stabbed and the other had a broken nose and busted lip, we are not sure if Mr. Bennett started the fight so the whole floor is in lock down and we are reviewing cameras and doing interview to find answers but if Mr. Bennett indeed started or stabbed the victim he will be charged with new charges on top of the ones he already has".

"Okay when will he be able to get out the hole and give me a call?", "We are not sure yet but we will let his public defender know to call you". "Here is his lawyer's number to make sure he calls Mr.Cook, Thank You". Jada walks out of the police station into the car. She quickly writes the officer's name and badge numbers. Jada dials Lee. "Hey i did that and i got the name and badge number of all the guards there", "Okay good we dont know who works for who in there and say they dont give him the number the guard will be getting charges against them". Jada exhales "I got bad news from Von though, He got into a fight and they dont know if he started but someone ended up stabbed and another beaten badly". "Fuck, okay umm I will call Mr.Cook right now and let him know whats going on".






I am losing patience. I have not even been here a whole day and I am already in the hole. I begin to do push ups to clear my mind. I get up off the floor. My adrenaline starts pumping. "I am going to kill them all" I yell while punching on the wall.



Le' dials Mr.Cook, "Hey so i got bad news about Von, it seems like they was a fight and he got involved someone ended up stabbed and beaten almost to death so that's more charges on top of the ones he already haves", "That won't be an issue Hopefully I can get these charges dropped for him like all of them it is going to be a little risky due to his criminal record and depending on which Judge he has court with. Also do you have Bears files?", "Yes Um.. Danny had left them in this chip" Le responds. "Okay do you have the chip right now?", "It's in my car Jada is one her way over here now" , "Okay as soon as you can send me those files because if we don't have that there is no way i can have those charges dropped" Mr. Cook hangs up.

"Good" Bear says while clocking the gun while pointing it at Mr.cook head. "As soon as she sends delete them, Dayvon is never getting out, and if you want to live you better do as i say or you will end up like them" Bear says while pointing the gun and Mrs.Cook and Kaleb dead bodies.

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  Things are getting a little intense !!! 

 Rest In Peace to the Legendary Dayvon Bennett 

       WE NOT FROM 63RD !

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