Von & Le

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  Chris tried to pick up Von. "Common man, let's bring her justice, we have to finish the video, we have to hear her out". "I fucked up so bad, I knew I should have gone with her" Von continues to sob. "This is not your fault this is all Bears fault he has a mental illness, he is sick in the head. But listen to me", Chris picks him up. "You got to be strong for her", "I can't, I let her down" , "You did not cause you are still here fighting, we have to finish this video". Von gained his strength.

Chris plays the video, " Talk about family feud. Two days after the death of Marcus. Von came to my house. He wanted to change his life around. Help people, but how can you help when the world is against you because of petty situations from the past. That's when he started complaining about his shoulder. I proceeded to check and wala he had a bullet in his shoulder. *Photos appear* as you can see i took the bullet out of bennet and it matched the gun that was missing from evidence. I hid the bullet and yes it was wrong for me to do so, Jesus called me because he knew that Von got shot and he knew I knew. He also knew that I was going to keep the bullet. That is enough evidence to show that Von was in the crime scene and killed Marcus also is enough to put me away for hiding evidence and corruption. What he did not know was that his adoptive daughter Jada Moore dropped off the wrong phone when she was being interrogated. And that is exactly why when he called me he informed me that the DNA did not match the main suspect. Which was a lie. Jesus thought that Jada dropped the right phone. It was going to be more than enough evidence to frame me as him.

The very morning I gave detail to detail to Daniel and things were so off. So we dug deeper, automatically we knew there were dirty cops in our hands. Why assume that well Marcus had Jones gun the gun that was missing for years but it was not really missing. It was in the evidence room for years just never filed. On file it says that the gun was there for two years after I found out that it was there for 9. The two years that the gun was on actual file it was missing the whole time. The only person that has access to that room completely is the Chief of police. Jones, as I said before, was dirty with his other partner who is an unidentified man. Jones disappears Jesus is caught, FAKE. The police department is full of shit."

"This whole thing is insane, the grudge was hailed for years. Marcus was the son of Mike which was the leader of the gang back in the day. The gang you, my dad and jesus were all in together. Now apparently the dude that is trying to fuc m life up is my half uncle and he killed my dad. The same day that everything went down Jesus changed his face and put his onto Jones. The thought they found Jesus and Jones are on the run so the police are basically chasing a ghost and they don't know that. Jesus is Jadas adoptive father. She was basically setting me up. The reason why Jada did not want me with Le' is because she knew or they all knew Le was going to get to the bottom of it all". "I am still on the fact that Le figured all this out. She really reminds me of her father". Von scoffs "That man walked out her life and never looked back". "I know, I feel as though if he was around she would have been around. He loved his daughter, but things got hot and he couldn't bare the pain of his wife and daughter getting killed.". "This might sound crazy but what of the unidentified man Le is her father that'll be a shocker to her plus he just left her life like it was nothing. I understand you in a hot spot but nobody put you there but him. Me being him I would have fought for my family".

"So will I but idk lets finish this, your court is tomorrow". Chris presses play, "The police sworn they found the god of Crimes. Jesus switched his face. Here is the proof and the underground plastic surgeon. *Files pulls up on the screen*Daniel and I integrated Jada, she gave us Bear names which we sworn was Von but it was not. We informed her what happened to Marcus and she broke down. That's when she knew she messed up big time. What really caught her was that when Daniel says "They don't leave any witnesses behind when the shooter is exposed. That's when Jada changed up her whole perspective and asked us what we were suggesting. We backed down and asked her if Bear was Marcus' enemy and she said yes but did not know his real name or what he looked like.

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