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   I am speeding down the highway. My heart is racing, My face is red. I know I might just kill her. Out of all the shit that has been happening I would've never thought that Jada will be part of it. I trusted her, She knew exactly how I felt about Von and what I have been through. That bitch really crossed the line. Besides everything that is going on. I thought that she was my Friend maybe that's why it hurts me. I understand he is her father but I would have helped her deal with him if she would have told me.

I am not sure how I am going to even bring up the topic. How will I approach her about the situation? Or maybe how I will react to her reaction. All these questions are spinning in my head. The crazy part about it is that it answers so many of my questions. To how Bear knew I took the bullet off of Von. How he knew that I asked Mr. Cook for help. But the main thing roaming through my head is Danny got killed because of HER.

I pulled up to my house, Taking deep breaths. I get out of the car, all I can hear is my racing heartbeat. I open the door and see her sitting on my couch.

Jada quickly gets up and approaches Le'. "Hey are you okay, are you hurt?" She questions, Le clears her throat, "Um I I am fine, how about you?", "Yes i'm good, did you talk to Von how is he?".Le bites her lip to avoid confrontation right then and there. Le shakes her head, Jada gasps in disbelief. "If he does not cooperate with us Le', how would he get out?" Jada asked. "I don't know but I have another plan", "I want to help okay I'll go talk to him", "No its fine, Right now he is in the public I don't know why," , "Why is he in the public like his life is in danger there" , "I know and I am not sure when his bail bond hearing is, they have not said anything" Le' lies. Jada exhales, "So what's this other plan you have is it with the chip?", "Yeah involves the chip and um.." Le inhales sharply "Your dad turning himself in".

Jada backs up, she goes pale as if she saw a ghost, she gulps "Le I.. I can explain''. Le laughs and pulls the gun out pointing it at Jada. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't do it right here right now". Jada breathes heavily, shaking. "Because I will help you get Von out im not doing it for him only im doing it for yall, I tried to get rid of my father several times and they all failed", "Why should I believe you" *click clack*. Jada raises her hands ''Because I put in an anonymous tip on my dad at the police station, and they are already looking for him. Danny helped me, he figured out that it was Bear, the captain of police, I .. i told him not to meet up with him, I told him it was dangerous". "Don't you dare bring Danny into this.. Your fucking father overkilled him, do you know how many bullets were insode of Danny?". Jada breaks down, "20 .. 20 fucking bullets all on his back. He died protecting Von, you could have stopped him!!" Le yells that last part, "He did not listen to me Le', I tried warning I did"

"Okay so let me ask you, why?, why you lied, why you tried dragging me down, why you tried Dragging Von down I thought you loved him", " I do love Von okay, at first when I first met Von it was just to set him up, My dad wanted me to make fall for me so he could work for him and it worked okay.. But as the time went on I started to fall. I fell in love with Von. I told my dad that I wanted no part. I ran away but Von still kept touch with him. I just kept my distance and kept Von safe. All these years I setted up the people that tried to kill Von. I knew my father did not like getting his hands dirty. He lets others do his job and I knew he would not kill Von himself". Jada inhales "I did not do the job he asked me to do so that's when you came in". "You came in what's that supposed to mean"

Jada inhales "My dad looked through your record, your mom's record and he saw that your mother adopted a boy around the same time that Voncir was killed. He knew it was Von so he hired you to do the investigation. Everything was set up perfectly, you came along that very next day Von killed Marcus, Von got shot he got shot on purpose because we knew you would help him get the bullet out and it will make it seem like you're a Corrupt cop. All the dirty work my dad did would've come back to you. But you outsmarted everyone. I am not one of them Le". Le shook her head still pointing the gun at Jada. "how can I trust you?". "Go check I put the anonymous tip".

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