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  "Oh Shit", Danny quickly puts all the photos back in the file and tucks the phone in his pocket. He walks straight to his office, locks it & starts checking the phone him self. He finds all types of numbers calling Marcus but this one number is popping up frequently. Danny types up the number to his computer and nothing pops up. "Dammit" he goes through text messages and he sees that Marcus indeed text Jada telling her to come over. He keeps scrolling through that messages and finds out that she was telling the truth the whole time. "So they are dating" he adds on.

  The same number that pops up frequently in his call log is the same number that text him just hours before the incident 'make sure you kill him'. "Could this be bear" Danny sends the phone information to his brother. He patiently waits for his brother to  hack into the phone. Suddenly his phone goes off "Did you get that?", "Yeah little brother but i hope you are ready for what you are about to see". Danny opens up the email "What the fuck" Danny eyes are wide open. "Okay Big bro thanks for this". "No problem see you at the house", They hang up. Danny quickly gets up and calls Le'. "Hey", "Hey you left the office?", "No but we need to link in your house like now". Danny hangs up grabs his laptop and all the files including the Voncir's case. He is trying to leave the building in a rush when he bumps into the Chief. "Woah where you going in such a rush Mr. Russ?", "Sorry Sir Family emergency". Danny exits the building.

  The Chief sees Le' leave the building also. Le' Finally pulls up to her house which Danny is already inside. "Hey I found something" Le says, "I did too but go first". "Okay so come to find out Jada was telling the truth I went through her phone records and also Mr. Jones gun has been used to kill people from OTF some serious killing marks also I believe the person that sent Von in there wanted to get him killed". Danny sighs "You are right, Jada left this" Danny pulls out the phone from his pocket "Its Marcus burner phone, I tracked down every number but it was this one number that caught my attention so I called Kaleb to hack the number to trace the phone or at-least find coordinates and guess where that call came from". Danny gives Le the look "We have dirty cop in our hands" Le says.

  Von is on the phone with his boy named Timothy. "Bro lets hit a lick", "Marcus brother?" Tim said. "Yeah we need to get rid of him asap", "that nigga swear he slick sneak dissing on the internet like a bitch". Von laughs "Always bro but lets do it tonight you think Mulanie going to be down to do so?". Timothy looks at Mula, she nodes her head yes. "We on for tonight bro", "Ard like 2 or 3 a.m. bro", "Ard I'll see where he going to be at then". Von hangs up, "Von I just told you we are being watched", "I am not scared of no cops Jada they can get shot at too". Jada shakes her head, she walks in to the other room to clean off Von's guns.

  Timothy has been friends with Von for years. He has helped him set up, rob, & kill people. He was one of the men that robbed Marcus to begin with. Mulanie is Timothy's Wife, they are literally like Bonnie and Clyde.Later that night; Mulanie is in the passenger sit of Marcus brother car. The brother is talking on the phone to one of his guys about this Heroine Cargo. Von and Tim are in the alley way waiting for them to pull up to the night club. After minutes They finally pull up. The brother parks up his car, he gets out & so does Mula. He cuffs her butt as they walking into the building. Von and Tim crouch a bit to avoid being seen as they follow behind them. Once they are entering the staircase Von runs up and pushes Marcus brother towards the wall.

  "Give me the money and jewelry" Von says. While Tim is pointing his gun at the brothers head. Mula stays pinned up to the wall playing along. The brother laughs "Well if it isn't Dayvon, dont you get tired of this bro?", "Na I dont". Suddenly the stair case door opens with Jacobs people. "You want to play?". Both Tim and Von are surrounded. Von breaths heavily while looking around still pinning Jacob to the wall. He breaks from Von, pulls his gun out and points it at him. "Know we are going to do this my way". Von hearts start thumping. Mula looks over her shoulder a bit to see what was going on. She inhales deeply. Its Jacob and three others.

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