Ambitious Pt. I

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 Chris gets to the house, He walks down to the basement. "You're hungry?" he asks Bear. "No, what are yall going to do with me", "I don't know I am waiting on Le", "I will turn myself in, but", "But?", "Yall cant harm my daughter at all, she is all I have left". Chris looks at Bear, "Listen I have no control over anyone's emotions it is all up to Le' & Von, Plus Von found out that you killed his dad & that Jada is your daughter you know that boy is a beast he dont care". Bear sighs, "Mann you can't talk to me him", "I'll see what I can do but for now". Chris injects the needle into Bears IV. "What the fuck are you doing", "I cant have you running this so you are going to have a nice sleep". Bear begins breathing heavily, he quickly starts losing conscience, he is asleep.

Chris walks upstairs into his room. He opened the drawer to reveal a yellow envelope. He puts the money in the money counting machine. "Bingo" he says. He quickly drives to the station. "Hello I am here to bond out Dayvon Bennett", "Okay sir give me a second". The lady types up all the information on the computer. The printer goes off. "Okay come back here sir". Mr.Cook follows her to the back. "Okay I need you to sign here and here". Chris signs and hands in the money.





"Bennett" The officer says while walking up to the cell, "Get your things you are out of here". I exhale as a sign of relief.

Walking past hallways. Going through doors. We go into the room. WE do the full body exam before heading out. They hand me my clothes, getting dressed; hoping it's my girl waiting for me on the other side of this door. I have been having this bad feeling. The doors open revealing Chris and No Le'. I walk to him and give him a hand shake. "Thanks man forreal I really appreciate it, I will pay you back". "No need man Le' bailed you out, here's the other half of what she gave me when she hired me". "Okay Bennett here is your paperwork and also your final court hearing is in two days so goodluck".

We finally walk out the station and hop in Chris' car back to his house. I opened the envelope. "This is 1.5 million", "Yeah she gave me 2M just in case they tried to raise the bond". "Anything from Le yet?", "No not yet". "I know I am asking for too much but would you be able to take me to her house", "Yeah man no problem".

We drive up to her house. I walk up to the door. Please god that she is here. Her door was cracked opened with blood on the door knob, "Le" I yell and burst in. "Le" i repeat again and no answer. I walk to the living room seeing the trail of blood. "No no no" I ran to her room, nothing. Chris walks into the living room, "Shit". My heart is racing "Le". I grab a piece of tissue and dial her phone number from her landline. "Hey this is Le'naera leave your name and number and ill get back to you". "Straight to voicemail", I walk back to the living room. "When was the last time you saw her?", "The day she went to see you when she came back that's when we found out that Jada was his daughter and she was calm, and then she said she will be back and I have not heard from her since".

"She must have been trying to confront Jada and it went all wrong". I dial 911.



Officers arrive. "Do you guys know what might of happened?", I stayed quiet. Chris looked at me than looked at the officer, "No Officer I just bailed my client out and we came straight here that's where we saw the blood and everything". "Who's house is this", "Umm her name is Le'naera Moore". The officer chuckles, "Something funny?" I ask the officer in an very aggressive tone. "Actually there is she's a fugitive, watch how you talk to me". I laugh, "You must not know", "Know what huh?".I know this pig is not trying to get big and bad with me. I'll happily go back to jail. "Nothing officer she has been missing for two days, I have not heard from her". "Okay so we ran DNA testing to see if the blood belongs to her, do you know if she had any enemies". "Yeah your chief of police". Chris shook his head at me.

The police officer looked at Von shooked "Is that true?" he asks while looking at Chris. "We don't have proof of it yet", "Okay well when you do.. Here" He hands Chris a note "Call him he is really good he is a UI". "Thanks", "The blood sample will probably take 24 to 48 hours to come back we will call you". "Okay thank you". We stayed there till they were all done. We hopped back in the car going to Chris' house. "Did you know he killed my dad", Chris sighs, "Yeah but I did not know your dad had you until Le' came to me and explained everything", "How was he?", "Who? your dad?", "Yeah". Chris exhales "He he was my best friend, he was the most honest & realist dude I have ever known. If he did not like something he would not hesitate to let it be known, and all he used to talk about was your mom". "I um.. I was the one that found him.." Chris sniffs.

I turn my head towards him. "His last words were to take care of him, I did not know who he was talking about, he never mentioned he had a son, he was trying to protect you and keep you out of the streets, He um.. He was shot 4 times all in the chest but he fought, he died at the table. Seeing him like that made me change my whole life around".

"Thank you, for finding him and trying to keep him alive". Chris chuckles "He was like my brother". We finally pull up to the house, "Are you ready to face him?". My adrenaline starts pumping "More than ready". We get out of the car, walk up to the house, open the door, and walk back to the basement door. I take a deep breath before going down the steps. "Shit" the chair is empty, I run up the steps "He is gone", I tell chris. "What?!, Fuck". My heart sank, "There goes the answer to our question. Jada killed Le'. We searched the whole house, nothing.

"Damn man", I have never been more stressed in my life. "I put him to sleep and I gave him like 10oz of Melatonin mixed with painkillers". "It's not your fault Jada must of known he was here, the whole scene at Le' house must of been a distraction to give her time to do it". I sit on the couch, "I still have to prove my innocence, and clear up Le' name", "She spoke about having a cheap", "Yeah I know where it is".

We both hop back in the car. We head to the morgue. In the morgue parking lot, "This is where Danny is", "Yeah danny has the cheap inside of him", "What", "Yeah Le did not want anyone to find it and she knew no one would of thought about him cause he is dead", Chris laughs, "That girl was very smart". "Yeah she was". We are inside of the morgue. Walking back to the fridge , the employee pulls Danny out of the fridge. Chris looks away for a second, he looks back at Danny, "Look at what that Mf did to you baby boy, I promise even if it's the last thing I do, He is going to pay for what he did to you.

The employee opens Daniels chest, he hands Chris gloves. He looks at me and hands them to me, "Here you know where it is", "Are you sure?", "Yeah". I take a deep breath and grab the gloves. I put them on and start searching in his chest cavity, I feel it, gently I pull it out. "This is what's going to clear up all the confusion". The employee stitches Danny back up. "Thanks to you I am alive and I promise that I will kill him for you, watch over Le' for me". Chris kisses his son's corpse. We leave the morgue.

We are driving back to Chris' house when I see a car following us. "You don't have a gun in here do you?", I ask. "I do why wassup", "Okay, you see that silver honda is following us watch". I turned right into a street and they followed, I took another right and they followed. "Hand me the gun" Chris quickly hands Me the gun. The light turns from green, "I need you to get down", Yellow, I take a deep breath, Red, I come to a complete stop. They pull up on the passenger side. Everything is moving in slow motion. The window is going down and I see a pistol pointed at the car. I put the car in neutral and pressed on the gas.

Boom boom boom boom boom .... Car tires screeching 

  Rest in Peace to the The King Dayvon Bennett    we NOT from 63rd




    Next chapter will be the final chapter of CORRUPT. So much is going on. 

Do you guys think Le' is alive?.  Stay tune on the next Chapter of #Corrupt. Follow me on instagram - Shespaii 

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