Chapter 1

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10 years later..

"WHAT?!" "DREAM! YOU CAN'T DO THIS OUT OF AMBITION!" Inky yelled, surprised, after hearing what Dream had said."Inky, don't stop me. I want to conquer the world and rule this place with my own pleasure" Dream said, with a straight face.

 "You're stupid bitch. are you out of your mind?!" Error snapped at Dream. "that's fucking selfish! you are a head admin and now you want to push Ava and Co-owner down?! what do you want?!" Error yelled at Dream. "I DON'T GIVE A FUCK! I WANT MORE POWER!"

Dream eventually slapped Error and pushes Inky down before finally step away from their "3 Homies" base. he never comes back.

Error touched his cheek with an angry glare. "Piece of shit! Never come back, you asshole! Stupid bitch!" Error rages before finally walks away, to his and Passive's house. 

Inky is stuck in a spiral of confusion... is Drem actually kind or evil? he.. only wanted power... Inky believe that this means, Error and Drem's friendship, might just break. Inky sit on the floor, hugging his legs, questioning about this friendship but then a while later.. broke into tears.

~ The Throne Place ~

"Oh, Hello Dream. nice to see you again. what do you ne-" Avacadoq's words are cutted from Dream's Threat. the Co-Owners are surprised. not to mention with Conuc starting to take out their gun. "go away nicely, or I will kill you, Ava. " Ava is quite angry at this, but rather to walks away because he saw 2 silhouettes. all they knew, that they will come back.

long story short, Dream has conquered the throne. with 2 people on his side, Drista, and Rata. Drista eventually sat on the couch in the throne room. "GAH! finally. so, what are you going to do next?" asks Drista to her brother. "yeah bro, what are you going to do after you conquer this village?" Rata eventually takes one glass of wine and drank it. "let's start an army." said Dream. Rata nodded and starts the planning.

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 "huh?" said a small voice while reading the poster on the market's wall. "...Dreamon.. Army? new.. ruler..DREAM?!" surprised. "Bella! cmon! we are going home!" yelled another girl. "Ah! okay! wait for me, Akari!" said Bella while ripping off the poster.

"he started the thing already..? ..well then. " sigh Inky. seeing the poster all over the place, holding tears from fear and confusion. she's in frustration. which side should she choose? Dream or his old, brokenhearted crush Error? she used to crush on her childhood friend, but she knew that she won't have any chance because Passive is already in his heart. it hurts sometimes but as long he's happy, she doesn't matter.

"BRK!" She bumped on someone. "i-i's sorry, I dozed off. I'm very sorry." said her while picking up the vegetables and supplies "hey, you. what's your name?" said one of them. "my name is Icha, but people also call me Inky, Sir, and Ma'am."

 Inky looked at the people and realized they are the old rulers. "I see you are overthrown by Dream. would you like to go with me?" Inky feel pity for them. "how could we trust you?" asked one of them while pointing a gun at her. "Woah, sir, ma'am, anyone, put the gun down. I meant no harm and only wanted you to stay with us after that headmin overthrow you. please don't shoot, I'm still single and get friend zoned once" Inky plead. 

"..give her a chance. okay show us the place." one of them defend Inky. "with pleasure!" Inky smiles while walking in front of them.

Inky walks in front of them while asking them. "what're your names? I don't really like to get out except for getting supplies or just getting fresh air." "I'm Impressive, call me Impy!" "Ava. Avacadoq." "Moo." "Conuc" Inky nodded to their names. "here we are!" Inky stopped in front of a really large grass field. "what do you mean?" sus Moo. "wait." 

Inky squats on the grass and seems to find something. she pulled out a grass and then basement stairs opened."there we go! come on!" Inky walks in with relaxation.

"I'm homeeee! I bring people!" Inky yelled in the living room. the base was unexpectedly large. "I swear to void Inky. if it's one of Dream's people I will-WHAT?! YOU BRING THE OLD RULER WITH YOU?!" snapped Error. just woke up from his sleep.

 "what? Dream cruelly kicked them out. why not with them?" Inky 'innocently' tells Error. "besides, these people should've want revenge on him" Inky smirks. "wait what do you mean?" Ava asks. "what again? revenge on Dream of course. void, that bitch is unstoppable." Error is always angry remembering Dream slapping his face.

"I'm going to my room! I have WIP to do!" Inky left the room with chuckles. "INKY I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU" Error jokes. "oh hello. makes yourself like home. this isn't the best place but enjoy."

~~~ time skip. ~~~ 

  News: Dream The New Ruler is making a Dreamon Army of-------

Error sighed. "that ambitious bitch." "Uhm.. may I know what's your relationship with Dream?" Ava asks Error while sipping his coffee. "oh? me and Inky with the bitch? childhood friends." Impy almost spits his coffee hearing Error. "WHAT?!" Ava was surprised. "don't be so loud. it's all in the past. he betrayed us." Error rolled his eyes "what do you mean?" " Ava is curious for the truth," he said to us that he wants to rule the world and conquer this village by overthrowing you. we tried to stop him. but he slapped me in the face and pushes Inky down. Inky even had a mental breakdown after him. still believing that he deep down, still are our old excited Dream." Error sighed before finally surprised something is stuck beside his head "WHAT THE-"

"you are Dream's childhood friend. I have a suspicion you still have contact with him. die." Impy points a gun on his head. making Ava and Moo panicked. " BRO WHAT?!"




I'm sorry to Passive and I am really sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings by putting this conflict. forgive me and please come back. I'm so sorry. I'm really sorry Papa. i was just trying to put a little spice on it. please forgive me. 

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