Chapter Thirty-Two

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Katsuki used his explosions to propel himself through the air. His scarlet orbs watched one figure running down the street, tracking them down. He'd been called out during his lunch about a report of a villain emitting a pink smoke. It wasn't clear what this smoke did, but that wasn't going to stop Katsuki from hunting them down.

The villain was a girl with long, red hair that cascaded down to her knees. She was no more than twelve, and that confused Katsuki more than anything. Once he was directly above her, he shot himself downwards. She turned upon hearing his explosions get closer then screamed once he was right in her face. Katsuki pinned her down, caging her beneath his arms. "Don't hurt me!" She shouted. She closed her eyes, turning her head to the side and submitting to him.

Katsuki's omegan instincts kicked in. His scowl vanished and he pulled his arms back. She swiftly moved her own arms to shield her face. "I'm not going to hurt you." He whispered to her.

She slowly lowered her arms. She looked up at Katsuki with pleading eyes.

"Why are you wrecking havoc?" He asked with furrowed brows.

The girl grew panicked again, but a pink smoke started to seep out of her skin in large volumes. It created a smoke screen around them. "I... I, uh... I don't mean to! It just happens, and I don't know how to control it!"

"I'm going to put you in quirk canceling cuffs and take you to the station." Katsuki told her as calmly as he could. "If you're telling the truth, you're not going to be in trouble."

"Thank you."


Katsuki only later realized that he had inhaled her pink smoke. He wasn't sure of the side effects still, but there was this strange feeling in his gut. It was a feeling he usually only felt when he was in heat and desperate for sex.

Katsuki was visiting with Jeanist when Izuku decided to drop by to take Katsuki on a proper lunch date seeing as the omega's got interrupted. The minute Izuku was within smelling range, a fire started to burn in Katsuki's abdomen. His skin grew hot, slick started to seep it's way from his body, and he could feel his dick getting hard just by looking at the nerd.

"Uh, her quirk." Katsuki forced past his lips, focusing on his boss. "That girl's quirk isn't dangerous... it's uh... Holy, fuck. Deku, get out for five fucking minutes." He ordered with a weak snarl. Izuku's brows furrowed but then he seen the way Katsuki shifted in his seat.

"Okay..." Izuku muttered before walking out.

"Lust quirk." Katsuki said once the door shut. "And holy hell, is it powerful." He mumbled the second sentence, but Jeanist still heard him.

"So I take it you'll be leaving soon?" Jeanist guessed with a knowing smirk. "With Deku?"

"Yeah." Katsuki breathed out. "Don't fucking tease me about it, old man. Anyway, I don't think her quirk works on those who are mated or have their eyes set on someone until they see that other person."

"Got it. I'll take care of Ryuu. You go." Jeanist ordered. "Before you start getting slick everywhere."

Katsuki nodded, mumbling his thanks then charging out of the room. The minute he crossed the threshold of Jeanist's office, Izuku scooped him up into his arms.

"I already called in." Izuku said as he carried the omega out of the building. Katsuki didn't even get to change, but he didn't care. Izuku was speeding down the street with his quirk. They arrived in an unfamiliar location. Katsuki didn't care as he was pushed onto the counter. "This is my place." Izuku told him as he startled to remove Katsuki's gauntlets.

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