Chapter Forty-Three

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The group had been wandering through a maze for a long while, listening to screams from every direction. Some were screams of help and others of pain. Izuku just hoped that none of them were Katsuki's.

He wasn't sure what he'd do if Katsuki was hurt. He'd probably end up going feral, which he was nearing anyway. They heard another scream, and Ochako winced. That one was feminine.

"I wonder why they've gone on a torture spree." She wondered out loud.

"I don't think we want to know." Mina told her with a frown. Ochako frowned as well.

They came across an open door. Izuku slowly pulled it open then stepped inside. His eyes widened.

"Isn't that Nakamura?" Eijirou whispered. The eight of them stared down at the mangled mess that was Kane Nakamura. It looked like his neck had been torn from his body.

"I think it's safe to say that one of their victims got out." Denki stated. He clenched his stomach, trying not to hurl at the sight before him.

"A very strong, very angry one." Shouto added in. Even his lip was curled with disgust.

"You don't think..." Hitoshi trailed off. He had to turn his head away to keep from vomiting everywhere.

"No. He wouldn't." Inasa stated confidently. He looked back down at the body. "Would he?"

"No." Izuku spoke up. "Kacchan would never hurt someone like that. Let's go left."

The eight of them went left. They thought it better to stick together rather than split up. Along the way, they found another pair of bodies. One was Chiyo and the other Kakashi. The flesh of Chiyo's neck was lying on the floor by her feet. Kakashi's neck and chest was covered in blood. There was a slash over his neck, indicating a slit throat.

"This is disgusting." Mina commented.

"Let's keep going left." Izuku told them. He took one step torwards that direction then stopped. "I can smell Kacchan. He's-"

"Help!" A voice yelled.

"It came from the right!" Eijirou exclaimed.

"Help me! I thought we were working together!"

"Let's go!"

"But Kacchan-"

"Innocents, Midoriya." Shouto cut the green haired alpha off. Izuku nodded then the eight of them ran towards the screaming.

"You promised!" The person continued.

They passed Kane's body.

"Don't touch me!"

They reached the room of the screaming.

There were two bodies nearby. One was Haru and the other Itsuki. Haru's pants were blown up and his neck was pierced, covered in his own blood. Itsuki's neck lied awkwardly on her body.

Kanji Tanaka was cowering in fear. Before him stood an all too familiar face, covered from head to toe in blood, accompanied by a sinister expression. It was Katsuki Bakugou.

"Kacchan!" Izuku exclaimed. The omega froze in his steps. He slowly turned around, allowing the eight heroes to see his blood covered face.

"He's feral." Shouto announced in a low whisper. Katsuki's orange eyes struck fear in Izuku's chest.

The person before him wasn't Kacchan. Izuku knew that. Whoever was standing in front of him wasn't the man he'd fallen in love with. "No..." Izuku whimpered. Tears filled his eyes. "That's not Kacchan."

The ash blonde cocked his head to the side. A sinister smirk tugged at his blood-covered lips. "Really?" Katsuki inquired. "Is that why you kissed her?"

Izuku's eyes widened. No...

"Because I'm not me?"

"That's not what I meant. I didn't-"

"I fucking killed her." Katsuki stated proudly. Izuku's eyes got impossibly wider. "That bitch touched what's mine, so I blasted her neck into a million pieces." He took a step forward. "And it was beautiful."

"This isn't you, Kacchan. You need to snap out of it." Izuku told him as he stepped back.

"Snap out? You think I want to just snap out? Why the hell would I want to do that?" Katsuki hissed at him.

Izuku felt tears welling in his emerald eyes. This isn't Kacchan. He reminded himself. "You love me, right?" He asked. His voice cracked.

"Of course, I do, idiot." Katsuki told him in a softer tone.

"Then calm down and come home. We'll get you cleaned up then I can help you with your heat." Izuku offered. He reached out his hand, but it was smacked away.

"You don't fucking care for me." Katsuki growled. He looked down at Izuku's hand. "If you fucking loved me, you wouldn't of fucking kissed her!" He grabbed Izuku by his mask then threw him across the room. Arms grabbed his, pulling him back. He set off an explosion in an attempt to get to Izuku. "I'm going to fucking kill you!" He screamed at his alpha. "I killed him!" He pointed to Haru. "He hurt me too."

"Bakugou!" Hitoshi shouted. He pushed his way through the crowd. "How did Midoriya hurt you?" He asked the rampaging omega.


The blonde was out like a light. Shouto and Eijirou lightened their hold on him. Mina gave the now still omega a small push to make sure he wouldn't snap out of it. Shouto, Ochako, and Denki rushed over to Izuku's side.

"Deku, are you okay?" Ochako inquired. She helped the green haired alpha to his feet.

Izuku's eyes were stuck on Katsuki's frozen form. He was slightly blocked by Hitoshi, but he could still see all the blood.

"That wasn't him." Shouto whispered softly.

"But it was." Izuku argued. "Our feral sides show what's really happening inside our brains. He's upset with me."

"Dude, you'll just have to talk to him. He's been through so much already." Denki reminded the freckled male. Izuku's brows pinched together as he stared down at Denki.

"This is my fault." Kanji spoke up. He came out from his hiding place, wringing his hands together nervously. "I'm the one who suggested for him to go feral. I was trying to help him escape."

"Bakugou, is this true?" Hitoshi asked. The brainwashed Katsuki nodded his head.

"I didn't... I didn't think he'd act like this." Kanji breathed out.

"I'll bet it was his anxiety." Eijirou spoke up. "Despite knowing that a quirk caused this, part of him still believes that he has some fault. Midoriya... when he called me, he was in full panic mode. He said you hated him, and was asking if he did something wrong. He asked me if you were mad because he wasn't pregnant."

A chill ran down Izuku's spine. He didn't think that would still be on Katsuki's mind. Not that in the slightest.

"Let's just get him to a hospital." Inasa suggested. Others nodded their heads.

"What are we going to do with him?" Mina inquired. She motioned over to Kanji.

"Bakugou said that I'd be going to prison, and I'm okay with that. He said something about ensuring my life isn't as harsh as the others though." Kanji told them. Hitoshi asked the brainwashed omega if this was true, and he nodded. Shouto made the arrest then the ten of them went to call for reinforcements to get Katsuki in an ambulance and people to clean up the bodies.


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