Chapter Fifteen

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Katsuki frowned at the outfit he'd been given. Fucking Deku got to wear a suit whereas Katsuki is in this... this...

This thing!

Was this even a real outfit to be wearing? Katsuki wasn't sure if he should be asking that question.

He had on a one piece that covered his chest. It was connected to the choker he wore by four fabric strips in the form of an M on the front. A single strip of fabric ran down his front, splitting into two, which connected to his booty shorts. Katsuki's ass was tight--felt even tighter with the plug--and the bulge of his cock was hugged tightly as well. To add on to that, he had lace sleeves on as well as lace stockings, and heels. Fucking heels! To top it all off, he wore a very similar version of his hero mask. The gadget made to change his appearance gave him light brown, spiky hair and bright, crystal blue eyes.

He actually loathed it. All of it.

Izuku was dressed in a grey suit, a red tie (tied by Ochako, thank fuck), and a white undershirt. He also wore fancy dress shoes instead of his red ones. His hair had been colored black and his eyes a vibrant brown. He looked fucking fine, and it did things to Katsuki's head.

Ever since that dream he had two nights ago, he's been even more tuned in on Izuku's every move. His breath was stolen when Izuku bent down to get a damn pen that he dropped. It wasn't fucking fair in the slightest!

Focus. Katsuki told himself as he led Izuku to the back rooms, where he's supposed to give his dance. Izuku stayed close to him, and that worked towards softening Katsuki's rising anxiety. He couldn't have Ryuu here. Not only was it extremely dangerous, but Ryuu is easily recognized as his support dog.

Izuku took a seat in the chair, sinking down and gripping the armrests. Katsuki crawled into his lap. He danced with the background music, but neither of them were focusing on his moves. "Hey, I'm only going to say this once. But you can't let them just take me." Katsuki whispered softly. "You have to come too, or I'll lose my fucking shit."

Izuku's expression softened. He placed a hand on Katsuki's hip to try assuring him. The feeling of Izuku's hand on his practically barren flesh sent electric sparks down his body. "Is it your anxiety?"

"More like paranoia. Fuck, if they take me, they can do whatever the fuck they want to me. I've researched these places. They take, drug, and fuck." Katsuki explained. He tried not to let his voice crack, but it did ever-so slightly. Izuku frowned up at him. "I'm not about to let them touch me like that, but I can't do anything if they sedate me."

"I won't let you out of my sight, Kacchan. They won't get to touch you." Izuku whispered to him.

Katsuki isn't sure why, but relief rushed through him. Alpha- No. Deku is protecting him. Deku won't let them hurt him. "Th-Thanks."

"There is one thing we have to get straight first. When they come get us, they might want to see if you're worthy of their market." Izuku breathed out. Katsuki's shoulders tensed. His movements became stiff again. Izuku rubbed his hips and back to try soothing him. "Hey, I said I wouldn't let them touch you, and they're not going to." Izuku growled softly to emphasize his promise. "But they might ask me to..."

"No." Katsuki hissed. "Nobody is touching me. Not like that." If anybody touches him like that, they'd know that he really is what they're looking for.

"Okay. We'll have to figure out a new plan to get to the boss then." Izuku said. Katsuki could see the gears turning in his head, so he kept moving to let the nerd think.

It had almost been ten minutes before someone came in. Katsuki was grabbed by his hair then yanked back. He yelped in pain. He felt his entire body move back, but then it was suddenly jolted forward. Katsuki's nose landed right in Izuku's scent gland.

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