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Gerard's P.O.V
"Wow this house is beautiful!" She exclaimed
"I know it's not what you would expect..."
"Not what I expect! I'm used to a 2bd./1bt. house with no basement or attic ."
"But I thought you hated your step sister?"
"I did and still do."
"Then why would you share a room with her?"
"I didn't." she said.
"Then where would you sleep?" I asked confused.
"Well the room where the washer and dryer go or sometimes even the dog bed."
"I'm sorry...that's so sad. Well to cheer things up let's call Jennifer and Lindsey."
"Okay." she said sound a little happier.
I called Lindsey and Jennifer downstairs to introduce themselves.
"Lindsey! Jennifer"
"Coming!" They both shouted.
"This is our daughter Hannah and this is her friend Jenna."
"Hi Hannah I'm Lindsey and I play bass in Mindless Self Indulgence!"
"Hello girls I'm Jennifer and I play drums in Mindless Self Indulgence."
"Are their rooms clean?" I asked
"Other than a few little things I was working on right before you called us." Jennifer said as Lindsey ran as fast as she could upstairs.
"Okay I'm gonna take Hannah up first can you stay here with Jenna and maybe get her something to drink they were both singing on the way here and maybe make her feel comfortable?" I asked Jennifer.
I walked Hannah upstairs to the room Lindsey was cleaning and as soon as I opened the door I saw something move on the bed and I'm pretty sure Hannah did too.

Jenna's P.O.V
Jennifer asked me if I wanted anything to eat or dink and I replied with
"Sure can I have some water please?"
"Coming right up."
"Thank you."
"Your welcome."
At that time Mikey had just walked up from the basement with Kristen. I was happy to see them together because I knew that the one person I adore is happy with someone and that always make me happy.
"Happy birthday Mikey!" I yelled.
"Oh thanks and who are you?"
"I'm Jenna. Your nieces friend."
"Well nice to meet you Jenna."

"Here you go one glass of water!" Jennifer said
"Thanks so much."
"No problem."

Gerard's P.OV
I pulled Lindsey off to the side while Hannah walked around the room and angrily whispered
"Why did you do that?!? We can't let her find out!
"Find what out? That she's a witch, that my moms a witch." Hannah said with a sassy attitude.
"How did you know?!"
I could tell Lindsey was sad for blowing her cover.
"Are you upset?" Lindsey asked Hanna sadly
"Upset why would I be upset I'm..."

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