Special Person!

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I told my teacher "like my chemical romance!" because Gerard had said the band was an idea. The teacher told me to go to the principals office and sit in there for the rest of the period. I hated that room, it was yellow and bright with pictures of his daughter everywhere. I would rather die than be in this room. I just closed my eyes and imagined I was at a concert. I was waiting for about seven minutes then the weird annoying bell rang to change classes "boing, pow" it's a stupid bell.

I headed toward math class which was right around the corner from the principals office. I got in there pulled out a piece of paper, copied the text book pages on the board and began working. It was just adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing rational numbers so I already knew what to do. When we had fifteen minutes left the teacher told us to come up with an adding decimals and fractions word problem. He would then check when we were done. My sentences are "If a band had 4/5 members and adds 1/5 member how many members would be in the band?" It would be 4/5 + 1/5 which equals 1 whole, which would be one whole band. The other sentence is is this "A bring me the horizon shirt is $20.45, a bring me the horizon bracelet is $6.95, then I buy a journey pin for $1.29, how much money will I have spent altogether?" The total would be $28.69. When the teacher comes to check my paper he says "That is not right and if you don't redo this and bring it back in tomorrow I will fail! Do you understand?!" so the annoying bell rang again and I had math homework.

My next class was my favorite. Chorus or singing, our teacher was real nice she let us sing anything. I got there and she said that tomorrow we would have a guest singer coming in. I thought it would be Katy Perry or Demi Lovato or someone. She said "Tomorrow we will be having a very special singer coming to talk to us about their journey throughout the years!" She just left it at that. I went to all the rest if my classes thinking about who the singer could be. The bell to go home rang but it was different from the class to class bell, it sounds like a doorbell "ding dong!" I got on the bus and people laughed at me again but this time...

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