She's A What!

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G- Why can't you come live with us your parents?
H- Because I will have to stop being a fan of your music. I will have to stop obsessing over you. I would have to loose my best friend. I can't loose my best friend she is my only friend.
L- Well have her come too!
H- That won't work.
L- Why?
H- Because she is a fan too...

Gerard and Lindsey looked at each other turned to me and said that's okay. I excitedly replied with really and they happily said yes.

G- Come on let's get your stuff.

Jennifer, Bandit, and Lindsey drove back to the house to clean up the guests room while Gerard and I went to Jenna's house to get my things.

H- Hi Mrs. Watson I'm home and I need you come to living room!
W- Okay I'm coming!
G- Why do you call your adopting mother Mrs. Watson?
H- Because she is not adopting mother, she is my friends mom and this is my friends house. She's really nice so I don't think trying to convince her will be hard.
G- Oh then why did you say I'm home?
H- Because I ran away from adopting parents yesterday and walked here and moved in with her.
W- Well who is this?
H- This is Gerard Way he's a singer.
W- Oh okay where is Jenna?
H- Mr. Watson hasn't picked her up yet but I would like to ask you something.
W- Yes anything.
H- Could you get to know Gerard while I pack my stuff.
W- okay sur... wait pack your stuff what are you talking about?
H- thanks your the best and he'll explain everything. I walk to Jenna's room and get my clothes and everything I brought with me. The door opens and Jenna runs in screaming saying "WHAT IS THIS PERSON (as she points to her mcr posters) DOING IN MY HOUSE?!
H- come on let's listen to him.
G- Well over the past 5 hours I and a few other people found out something new. For example like how some people are treated very harshly and others are too obsessed with one thing. I have personally learned that my first child is in this house right now. Her name is Hannah. Now me and my wife and her friend had a very hard time trying to figure out if this is legit or not but it turns out she is our first born. Anyway she said that she could not come move in with us because she is a fan of my music but most importantly she didn't want to loose her best friend. That was the most beautiful thing I have ever heard. The reason for telling you all this is because we would like to have Jenna come live with us as well so Hannah could change her mind because her adopting parents are shit. But I needed your permission.
W- sure go right ahead her father and I wish we could get rid of her all she ever talks about is Frank this Frank that. Who the hell even is Frank. Anyway sure it's fine with me I know she'll be in good hands!
G- Well Frank was in my old band and thank you so much you won't regret it!

Jenna POV:
J- Did you hear!
H- Yea aren't you excited!
J- Very!
W- Jenna!
H- We better go your mom called you and I'm guessing me too.
J- Yea you ready?
H- Yea lets go.

Hannah POV:
H- Okay Gerard I'm ready!
G- That's all you have I'm confused.
H- no I was kind of hoping we could stop by my adopting parents house to get the rest of my things.
G- Sure.

Lindsey POV:
L- Jennifer!
K- Yea.
L- Can I do it just this once Gerard and the girls aren't here and Bandit is taking a nap in my bed. Please.
K- NO! No matter how much you want to use magic to clean the rooms, you know the rules! No magic outside of Hogwarts!...

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