Meet the Lady Manager! And the Vice President...

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Singapore, 1979

Asher was the bookworm of the group.

Throughout his first year of highschool, he was always nose-deep in a textbook. Whether he was studying Math, Science or anything whatsoever, it clearly took up the majority of his time.

Within his group of friends, he was always one of the more reserved. It was not a matter of being soft spoken, but rather, he just didn't feel the need to talk about things he deemed meaningless. Perhaps a bit off-putting and rude to others, but none of his friends really cared. As such, Asher didn't change much throughout the year.

He had a variety of hobbies, most of which were academically-based. Apart from studying, he also liked reading and worked as a Math tutor to his peers. Although very rarely, he did sometimes enjoy a night at karaoke with his friends.

Today was one of those nights. Now, Asher never really sung, rather he watched the others make fools of themselves with a glass of soda. The music in the room was blasting at full volume, loud enough to shake the glass on his table. He could literally feel the vibration in the air, beating like a steady drum.

It was rowdy tonight. Other tables sported tons of fellow students from different schools, no doubt wanting to unwind after a rough Friday. Though the room was dimly lit, most of the light came from the flashing stage lamps where the microphones were. Another group of teens were currently on stage, screaming out the lyrics of the song getting played.

"God, they suck..." he mumbled, taking a sip from his glass. His friend sitting to the left elbowed Asher with a laugh, having to practically yell to be heard.

"Oh come on! It's not like you could do any better"

"Exactly. That's why I don't"

"You're gonna grow wrinkles at the age of 20 if you keep frowning. Look, they're switching singers now"

Asher sighed before glancing over at the stage again. As his friend noted, someone new was at the microphone today.

A girl with reddish-brown hair was up now. Her tan skin was not uncommon in the country; this was Singapore, after all. The white dress shirt and black tie that she wore was the same as his own, no doubt being from the same school. But what caught Asher's attention were the black earrings hanging from her ears. Four on each, shining in the flashy lighting of the club.

She cleared her throat, a smirk on her plump lips. With a sly smile, the music began to play.

"Birds flying know how I feel

Sun in the sky... you know how I feel"

Several 'ohhhs' came from within the club, no doubt by the sound of her smooth voice. It was like silk.

No, not like silk actually. That made it sound too pretentious. Asher would describe her voice like honey. His eyes widened.

"Breeze drifting on know how I feel

It's a new dawn

It's a new day

It's a new life

For me..."

She walked forward across the thrust of the stage, eyes closed in content. She stopped just at the front, before opening an eye, a smirk playing on her lips.

Asher's breath hitched in his throat. She was looking directly at him.

"And I'm feeling good"

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