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"Let's sit down first. Adriel... there's something I think you should know..."


How did Kyoya find out?

Well, let's look at what happened approximately a week and five days ago.


He read the small print at the bottom of the final page and his breath hitched.

"All information being presented in this article has been sourced via Min Adriel's medical records"

Kyoya knew better than anyone that those medical records were completely undisclosed. Only someone that was medically invested in the Min family's health could have access to them.

Kyoya opened his laptop and began to type.




Kyoya knew many things about Adriel. He knew that Adriel had a friend named Aaron, who was currently in America. He knew that Adriel had only a father, one that the host club had never formally met. He knew that Adriel had many jobs, all of which weren't allowed for Ouran students.

...And that's about it. Kyoya had nothing else. So then who could possibly have access to Adriel's medical records, if the shadow king himself couldn't find them?

Kyoya thought about this as he walked through the halls, watching students left and right whisper to each other about the recent news. The newspaper had been released only yesterday, and the info was still buzzing around in the air.

"So that's why he looks so weird!"

"Aww, I feel kinda bad for him..."

"Seriously? You've definitely lost it...what, do you have a crush on him or something?"


"He isn't even cute! He's creepy!"

"Girl, you'd best just keep your distance. Who knows what he'd try to pull if he heard us"

Kyoya came to realize that he, in fact, did not like student gossip much.

He also realized that he had to act stealthily. He couldn't just ask Akira where he got his information from because no.1, Akira didn't go to school anymore and no.2, Akira had already been asked this by the headmaster, and did not give an answer. Kyoya needed to be careful about this, otherwise he would never find the source.

That was why at the end of the day, when hosting hours were over, Kyoya called a club meeting. He told the rest of the club just one thing.

"I'm looking for the true culprit. Tell me everything that could end up helping"

Because Adriel never answered his phone or the door anymore. Also because Kyoya knew that Adriel wouldn't end up answering his questions anyways.

The hosts nodded at his words. They knew above everyone else how important it was to find Akira's source. Because this person needed to be found, and quite frankly, expelled.

As Tamaki, the third years and Haruhi were filtering out of the room, the twins approached him modestly. It was odd seeing them look so solemn, but Kyoya could read the look on their faces.

They had that expression that said 'I know Adriel isn't going to like this, but I need to tell someone'.

"Kyoya," Kaoru uncomfortably started. He was wringing the cloth around his sleeves with his fingers. "I, uh, we gotta tell you something"

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