Battle of Karuizawa!

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(AN: Lots of swearing! Long chapter ahead)

It had only been like, five days since Adriel last saw the other members of the host club, but apparently that was five days too long. While his suitcase was being packed by the house staff, he and Tamaki awaited the incoming group in the front lobby.

"I can't believe Haruhi's just gone off and disappeared on us," the blond cried, shoving his head into a seat cushion. "Karuizawa is so far from here too..."

"Eh, not really," Adriel shrugged. "It was only a six-ish hour train ride to here"

"Right, you used to live there didn't you?" Tamaki sat up, glancing over at his companion. "Was it nice there? How was the weather and everything?"

"The air was nicer than in the city. It actually smells like oxygen," the tan boy laughed. "I can see why Haruhi wanted to work there"

"Breezy and relaxing, eh?" Tamaki raised an eyebrow. "Are you excited to be going back? We can stay the whole summer if you want, on vacation!"

"Whatever's good with you," Adriel blankly answered. "I'm going wherever you go anyways"

Surprisingly, the first of the club to arrive wasn't Kyoya. It was Honey, who burst through the front doors the moment Tamaki opened the,, after an onslaught of ringing. Tamaki got practically flattened against the wall as the shorter blond hopped inside, Mori following right behind him.

"Where's Adriel?" was the first thing Honey asked. "And who opened the door?"

"H-here..." Tamaki coughed out, peeling his way up from the wall.

"Oh okay. Hi Tama-chan!" Honey chirped. "Where's Adriel?"

Tamaki silently pointed to the left where Adriel was sitting on a couch. Said tan boy gave the two seniors an awkward peace sign, watching their faces light up.

He wished he could have felt more excited to see them, but Adriel was done acting. As Honey ran up and tackled him in a tight hug, all he had the strength to do was pat the shorter's back. He didn't even look up when Mori ruffled his hair.

"Good now?" Mori asked, looking down at the mess of limbs on the couch.

Adriel nodded. "Good"

"We were so worried!" Honey practically yelled into his shirt. "Are you okay? How was your week? Are you hungry? How do you feel-"

"One question at a time," a voice came from the front door. The group turned their heads to see Kyoya walk in, followed by the twins right behind. Everyone jumped once they heard his voice. Honey climbed onto the sofa and sat down next to Adriel.

"Everything has been stable for the past few days," Kyoya answered for the tan male. "Other than Adriel's... growth spurt, of course"

Come to think of it, Adriel was a solid five centimetres taller now. It was only then that the host club took a good look at him.

His hollow cheeks were gone, now replaced with smooth, prominent, yet healthy looking cheekbones. His arm was sturdier looking, and although his leg didn't change much, he still looked older now. He was beginning to look like an actual teenager, or at least, an adolescent boy going through the woes of puberty.

"Damn, what the fuck?" Hikaru whistled. "We were gone for a week and you aged like two years, bro"

"Did I?" Adriel shrugged. "I didn't notice"

The twins visibly jumped upon hearing his voice.

"Oh my god you sound so grown!" Kaoru exclaimed. "You sound like Todoroki now!"

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