Bitter Days

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"Say, Min-kun," Yuzuru Suoh taped his fingers on his desk. His brown eyes scanned back and forth across the page of writing, absorbing each and every line with calculation. "You really are a talented writer, I admit"

"Thank you, Suoh-san"

"Hmm. Can you explain the meaning behind your latest poem?"

Adriel stared at the page he had written, watching it be placed down onto the dark, wide desk. He tapped his leg underneath his seat. "It's a metaphor for human nature. I compared time to a shortening pencil, because it only loses its meaning as seconds go by. How in the end, all living things will die, and reality moves on without a trace of hesitation"

"..." Yuzuru paused, looking up at the tan male from across his desk.

He could see the big, creased bags underneath Adriel's eyes. The boy looked more zombie than human at this point, each action slow and staggered. His once lively, sun-kissed skin seemed to be turning a mustard yellow, with clouded eyes and dull teeth to match.



"I have a request for your next creative writing piece"

"What is it?"

"How about," Yuzuru mustered up a weak smile. "You try to describe something positive for a change?"

"Is my writing not up to your standards?" Adriel stiffened, tired eyes crinkling in disappointment.

"No no, not that," the headmaster shook his head. He put the paper down and slid it across the desk, back into Adriel's hand. "But I would like to challenge you to write about something I've never seen you describe. It's not an urgent request, though I would like to see you write about something that makes you happy at some point"

"Ah..." Adriel trailed off, glancing out the window.

A bird flew by, up into the blue sky. It looked so grey amongst the breezy summer day, cold and dead. Like a piece of black lint stuck to a white sweater. Or like a dead rabbit in a rose bush.

"Min-kun, are you alright?"

"Oh...yes. It's not a problem. I'll have it ready in two weeks as usual"

"Alright. Take care, then. You are free to go"

Adriel felt like he was floating on his way out of the office.

When Adriel arrived at the host club at lunch that Tuesday, the first thing he noticed was Kyoya, who was sitting by his table as usual. What wasn't usual however, was the eerie smile on his face.

"Why do you look so happy?" Adriel bluntly asked.

"Aren't I allowed to smile just for the fun of it?" Kyoya responded, grin widening.

Hikaru, who was playing on his gameboy by the couches, called over his shoulder. "He's getting off to Honey's suffering"

"Why is Mitsukuni suffering?" the tan male deadpanned.

"Because Mori banned him from sweets" Kyoya chided.

"Why did Takashi ban him from sweets?"

"Because Honey got a cavity yesterday"

"Why did Mitsukuni get a cavity?"

"Because he had too many sweets" the bespectacled male responded. "Didn't you notice on the way to school? Normally you and Honey talk before classes, don't you?"

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